A husky wolf mix is a fantastic-looking and highly intelligent dog. This athletic canine requires a considerable commitment, however, with a massive reward!
All of the modern dogs that we know and love these days come from wild wolves β however, the husky wolf mix has more from the wolf in its genes than any other dog breed.
Wolves, gracious but dangerous animals, belong to the wilderness.
On the other hand, a husky is a domestic sled type of dogs, the breed of the North, that’s both playful and intelligent.
This combination leads to a high-maintenance requirement for owners. A husky wolf mix will undoubtedly be a handful when it comes to training, but the results will be more than worth the love and attention put into the process.
What is a Husky Wolf Mix?
A husky wolf mix is a breed created from mating a wolf and an Alaskan or Siberian Husky.
The process of breeding to distantly related species that were isolated in nature is called admixture.
Wolves and dogs are genetically very similar, and they both belong to the same species – canines.
The husky wolf mix is also often referred to as a wolfdog. The wolfdog is a general name for any cross of a domestic dog with a wolf.
While certain mixed breeds tend to develop genetic issues later on in life, the husky wolf mix tends not to have too many problems.
If you want to get this beautiful mix, then you can choose from one of two options. You can either get it from a shelter or contact a breeder.
While shelters almost always have animals for adoption, wolf dogs are quite a rare find. The better option might be to find them from a breeder directly.
The cost of a husky wolf mix varies dramatically but expect it to be a bit more expensive than a traditional dog. After all, finding someone who breeds a wolf dog is a bit out of the ordinary in itself!
Husky Wolf Mix Physical Appearance

Huskies and wolves tend to have similar physical appearances. The husky wolf mix looks as if it were a wild version of the lovable husky that you’re likely used to seeing.
Wolves have striking features, such as muscular legs, long snouts, and stunning eyes.
They also tend to have much sharper teeth than other canines. When you combine these features with the fluffy, happy appearance of husky, it results in a combination unlike any other.
The colour of a husky wolf mix can vary, but it tends to be dark. You can also expect the combinations of colours like black, brown, tan, grey, and even a rare white coat.
The coat of the Husky Wolf Mix is usually thick and of a medium length.
As well as that, wolf dogs typically have golden or brown eyes. Huskies can have blue eyes, and, occasionally, multicolored eyes (for instance, one blue and one brown eye). There’s a small chance that this unique trait could transfer over to your husky wolf mix.
Another notable feature is the overall size of the species. Wolf dogs can be very tall, with much longer legs than other breeds. They also have ears that stick straight up in most cases.
As far as their weight is concerned, females husky wolf mixes weigh anywhere from 75 to 130 pounds and males weigh 85 to 155 pounds.
It is significantly larger than the average dog breed. Hence, be prepared to spend more on food!
Your wolfdog can also try to ask for some cuddles, without realizing its size. Despite their proportions, a husky wolf mix will occasionally try to be a lap dog!
Wolf-dog Personality and Temperament
First of all, the personality of your husky wolf mix largely depends on one main factor: the percentage of husky and wolf genes in the dog.
If you have a wolfdog that’s 85% wolf and only 15% husky, you should expect it to act more like a wolf.
Every dog’s temperament, regardless of its breed, is a result of the training program (or the lack of it) that they experience.
Pit bulls are known to be a ‘bully breed’; however, most of the people who’ve owned these dogs will strongly disagree with the statement.
On the other hand, labs are some of the most popular ad adored family dogs. Despite this fact, they can be very mischevious if trained incorrectly.
When it comes to husky parental breed, they tend to be playful and active. These dogs want to be engaged with their owners more often than not, so you should be prepared to be interactive many hours per day.
Husky also tends to be quite social to strangers, so don’t expect a guard dog from a husky!
On the other hand, wolves are less trusting of humans. Since they’re not familiar with people as other dogs are, they don’t know what to expect from us. They can be either shy or aggressive towards newcomers if not properly introduced.
The husky wolf mix is a distinct combination of the two temperaments.
While the wolfdog is not always easily predictable, you can expect a shy dog that opens up when they start to enjoy someone’s presence. Don’t forget to refer to the previous two factors above!
Husky Wolf Mix Lifespan

The lifespan of a husky wolf mix is hard to pinpoint. In the wild, wolves can live between 6 to 8 years. This life expectancy might seem a bit short. It is because, in the wilderness, wolfs rarely reach old age.
However, the lifespan of a wolf in captivity is a different story. The healthy wolf that receives appropriate care can live up to 16-20 years.
On the other hand, huskies can live between 12 to 15 years. The lifespan of a husky is rather impressive since most other large dog breeds don’t live nearly as long.
However, don’t forget that huskies come from the North. Therefore, they require a cold environment under 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Not sticking to these conditions may result in a shortened lifespan.
Therefore, a husky wolf mix lifespan is anywhere from 12 to 17 years.
The range might be far too wide, but the percentage of each parental dog genes found in the mix will significantly impact the wolfdog life expectancy.
Husky Wolf Mix Health
The biggest concern for many potential husky wolf mix owners is their diet.
Wolves aren’t bred to consume traditional dog food. Kibble is not ideal for their digestive process. The right diet for a Husky Wolf Mix is a raw diet consisting of fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables.
The only meat that you should avoid feeding your dog is pork since it can be harmful to their digestive system.
The amount of daily feeding depends on the age, weight, and gender of the dog. The general consensus is that wolfdogs should be fed several pounds per day.
As far as their health issues are concerned, these dogs are prone to hip and eye conditions. The hip problem is no stranger to people who’ve own big dogs in the past. More weight and activity lead to joint pain and sometimes hip dysplasia in their old age.
You might also notice that this breed can have trouble seeing as they get older. It is common in many dogs, but especially so in a husky wolf mix. Regular visits to the vet can prevent or treat both issues.
The other health issue that your pet might have is poor digestion. Even if you stick to the necessary raw meat diet, some wolfdogs can have digestive problems.
It is mainly due to the husky breed in the mix. To remedy this problem, feed smaller portions without reducing the overall amount of food given throughout the day.
As with any pet-related health concern, the best course of action is to visit a veterinarian right when you notice the symptoms.
Wolf-dog Exercise and Activity Requirements

Wolves often have to run many miles a day in the wild. This necessity translates to the needs of a husky wolf mix, though to a lesser extent. It’s essential to ensure that your dog is getting enough exercise since it promotes a healthy lifestyle and reduces the chance of hip problems.
You should aim for 30 minutes of walking a day with your husky wolf mix. They also love to play fetch, tug-o-war, and most other dog games. Even when you’re not playing with them, the husky wolf mix will find a way to stay active.
If you don’t provide enough exercise or room to do so, they might want to start chewing on the couch or resort to aggressive behaviors. This is only an attempt to get your attention and meet their natural exercise needs.
Without proper exercise, wolf dogs can gain weight and become obese. This health concern will undoubtedly lead to further issues, so always make sure that they’re moving around enough!
Is a Husky Wolf Mix the Right Dog for You?
Looking at the images of a beautiful husky wolf mix might get you excited to get it as a pet. Moreover, the wild spirit and adorable friendliness are hard to pass up. However, don’t forget that these dogs require much more of an investment than other dogs. They’re not cheap, nor are they a self-entertaining breed.
If you have plenty of time on your hands and you’re happy to feed your dog with the raw meat, wolf dogs are a wonderful breed to own.
As well as that, you need to look at the county regulations when it comes to wolfdogs. In some countries, they are banned as family pets due to wolf genetics and the safety concerns associated with it.
If you want to own one of these lovely animals, contact the kennel club to ensure that you’re legally allowed to do so.
I just got a siberian husky wolf mix and any advice would be much appreciated. I’ve had a husky in the past so I know alot about that side but not so much of the wolf side. Thanks
I too have a hybrid Siberian and gray wolf from New Mexico and a purebred Siberian from the same mother but the gray wolf obviously is the dad to my hybrid and a purebred Siberian father to my purebred Siberian out of the same litter it’s very unique I got two at the same time and was really happy when I realized one of them was a hybrid wolf I love her to pieces she’s the alpha of all four of my dogs. she controls everything in that arena of my 4 dogs, and she stays back like a typical wolf and observes what’s going on around them as she’s a pack leader-alpha dog, and keeps an eye out for whatever’s around the area has the most keen sense of hearing of any of them. she doesn’t miss anything and when I come around it’s like I’m the alpha of all four of my dogs so I’m the fifth one in the pack by Design, and they know that I am the male Alpha of the whole pack and it’s really cool cuz they know who’s in charge when I come home; but I love them they’re a lot of fun I’ve had four or five hybrids in my lifetime and I think they’re the coolest most lovable and intelligent animal that you could ever have not taken away from the rest of my dogs cuz I trained dogs my entire lifetime. I’ve raised dogs since I was a little boy and I’m very good with animals so yeah I make sure and and you have to be very aggressive when it comes to showing them who’s boss and I don’t mean that in a physical way I mean in a mental and emotional way because if you don’t they will control you. I know that because I’ve seen people that don’t know how to raise them and they can’t control them as anybody that has a hybrid knows. I love all the comments I’ve been reading you all have some fantastic animals as well I hope everybody has great time with theirs mine just turned 7 years old and is going through a metamorphose change more every year of the wolf traits than the Siberian traits as time goes on.
Thank you for your valuable feedback!
I want to buy husky, 30% woolf
We had two brothers wolf/mal mixes they never were apart the first died at the rip old age of 15 yrs old. We still have his brother who is now 17 yrs old and doing as well as expected very healthy but has doggy dementia (yes this is a thing) he recognizes my husband but looks at me with a blank stare it is sad for me since he was always my buddy. But we will let him live out his life as he is in no pain and eats well. Vet says he can go another 5 years easy.
i just lost my baby today she was 14 and the best dog i have ever had out of her litter she was shy and hid when we went to get one so i chose her and yes once she came out of her shell she was a very loving girl. At 3 years old I brought home my son and introduced them she sniffed him and i told her this is our baby. She looked at me and then him and licked his little hand…When he was old enough to walk with us she decided to stay by his side instead of mine. She has always chose to protect children over adults. Her father was an Arkansas Timber wolf and her mother was an Alaskan Huskey She was white with a little grey her eyes were a beautiful brown. She only ever had one white pup and my dad now has him. They do want attention and they love exercise even if it is just to run circles around you. Yes training can be difficult but it just takes patience and the outcome is wonderful.
Hi Vanessa, I am sorry for your loss.. May her soul rest in peace. β€οΈ
Hi i own, Husky&Malamute Wolf mix, he is very smart and lovely dog, never showed any kind of aggression.
He loves to howl on certain songs π , and he found how to turn on windshield wipers when i leave him in the car to attract my attention.
Thank you for sharing!
Enjoying the comments from those before me.Mine is an adoptee and despite my experience w/other dogs and anim.sci.degree this is all I could ever want in terms of battle.Gorgeous,and knew how to sit.But boy despite her being female did I get what I paid for.A true conpanion and revelation.
I just recently got a Siberian husky x Hybrid wolf. She picked me so she fits in beautifully. We lost our Shepperd husky wolf cross last christmas and this girl is filling the female void we lost. I also have 2 males 1 cat 1 smaller dog. She has learned who the bosses are in the house and is a very fast learner.
Thank you for sharing your story about this beautiful mixed breed!
I have what I think is wolf husky mix very friendly. Everyone loves on him . I’ve never seen a dog that attracts so many people.
I have what I think is wolf husky mix very friendly. Everyone loves on him . I’ve never seen a dog that attracts so many people.
I had a wolf mix Siberian, smartest dog I’ve ever owned. He worked things out like round door knobs. Friendly but protective , he was just extraordinary in so many ways. He lived 16 years , I miss him still .
Thank you for sharing your experience of living with this extraordinary breed!
I also own a wolf husky mix , mine is a mix between a Siberian Husky ( mom) and an Arctic wolf ( dad obviously lol) . He is 10 years old and plays , acts and looks like a puppy! He is almost completely white he has a couple of small brown patches but absolutely beautiful! He is such a sweetheart and is very loved (and spoiled). Iβm sure all wolf husky owners get the same reaction that my wolf husky Mako brings when we go for walks.
Thank you for your comment, we wish Mako many happy years ahead!
I own a wolf husky mix. Mostly wolf. Heβs very friendly and is almost 13 years old. Love him so much.
Lucky you! He must be a head turner!
I rescued a 2.5 year old siberian husky wolf mix. He’s 7 now his name is Zeus. He is the friendliest 105 pound wolfdog ever! He can’t bark like a dog he only has a high pitched wolf howl. He’s a butthead because he’s perfect with the most perfect physique with gorgeous blue eyes. Everyone pays attention to him and not me!! He goes up to every dog and every person at the dogpark one at a time so he can meet everyone. He’s a ladies man as he loves all girls the most. I think he knows he’ll get the most lovin from them. Best wolf ever!