When you become the owner of a dog, one of the many things you’ll want to do is teach your pooch is to perform tricks. One of the most popular of such tricks is that of how to teach a dog how to roll over.
Dogs are naturally programmed to want to please their owners. Therefore, they are usually very accommodating when it comes to performing on-demand!
When a dog is trustworthy of you, he’ll be more than happy to roll onto his back and roll over just for you.
This position, however, shows a sign of trust but equally one of submission. Therefore, it can take some work between both dog and owner to achieve.
Yet, once your dog has developed this fascinating technique, you’ll have the pleasure of watching him perform it for you on-demand each time.
It is also good to have the knowledge that he is prepared to listen to your commands and work to please you in the process.
How to Teach a Dog How to Roll Over – Step 1
The first step to getting a dog to roll over isn’t so much physical. It’s crucial to ensure that you begin teaching your dog this trick, and indeed any other, in the most suitable of environments.
So, find a clear place, preferably indoors, where you can work on this method without any immediate distractions. Just like children, dogs are easily distracted by several factors, like other people, passing dogs, or sudden sounds.
The most successful way of teaching your dog to roll over is in a designated area, whereby his concentration is focused solely on you.
Before you select your chosen area to train your dog, ensure he ‘s had something to eat, as well as his usual nap.
You’ll need your pooch bright and alert and willing to learn. Therefore, setting up the environment and having your dog in the right state of mind before you start is the most crucial step here.
How to Teach a Dog How to Roll Over – Step 2

Once you’ve allocated your training area, you’ll need to consider the type of treats you’re going to be using when teaching a dog how to roll over.
This step is equally as important as the environment you choose to train your dog in. Needless to say that treat plays a pivotal part in getting your dog to work to your commands.
The key here is to consider a specific type of food that your dog doesn’t necessarily eat much of over a typical working day. The snack that stands out from his usual diet.
Many owners like to consider such food types as sausage bits, cheese, or carrots. More than likely, you’ll find the most delightful treats for your dog are that of anything humans tend to eat!
However, human food can be allergic to dogs. Therefore, the best choice might be some tasty dog biscuits or any other treats made specifically for dogs.
The idea here is not to offer the treats in abundance but to get your dog’s attention from the very beginning and keep your pet focused on you.
By selecting the tastiest snack, you’ll encourage your dog to work towards the goal of turning over. The practice is especially effective once your pooch sees what a rollover gets him.
It is essential that your dog establishes that rolling over equals one of the tastiest of treats. After that, your pooch will usually have no hesitation in performing the trick for you on-demand!
Step 3

Now you’ve been able to set up the correct environment and select that most effective of treats to tempt your dog; you can then proceed to step three. This stage involves teaching your dog to lie down.
This step is essential if you want to proceed to get your dog to roll over. Without this command, you’ll never achieve the final stage of the training. In other words, this is a setting up movement that your dog will have to learn before he can physically turn over.
Therefore, if your dog is not used to this, start working on this essential trick first.
It may take a few attempts, but once achieved, it will ensure that your dog can roll over easier. Also, it will decrease the chance of your pooch hurting himself in the process.
The lie down command
The lie-down method can be performed with ease:
- Take a treat in your hand, but ensure this is something your dog is excited to work for.
- Use the sit command on your dog. It is an essential command, and your dog should sit with ease when asked to. Consequently, getting him to lie down from this position makes it so much easier.
- Once he is sitting still, use the down command.
- At the same time as using the down command, take your hand and pull it down in front of your dog in a luring motion. It will encourage him to follow your hand to the floor.
- Once your dog’s nose is touching the floor, draw your hand back out toward you. You should manage to attempt to get him to follow and lie down onto his stomach.
- As soon as your dog is lying down on all fours, gently place your hand on your pet’s shoulder. It will ensure your pooch doesn’t get back up or lunge for the treat. You can then carefully guide him into the lie-down position.
- Keep repeating these methods until your dog enters that lie-down position, but remember only to treat him when he succeeds. This way, your dog knows what the result is and will be more inclined to lie down for that treat.
Now you have the lie-down command solved; it’s time to implement this into the next stages of “how to teach a dog how to roll over” process.
How to Teach a Dog How to Roll Over – Step 4

Step four is all about treat placement.
Now you’ve got that treat in your hand, and your dog is paying attention to you while lying down. At this moment, you’ll want to hold his interest just a few more steps further while you guide him into the rollover position.
Thus, the way you position your treat and guide your dog here is a crucial step in whether this is a successful task.
- First, your dog should be lying down, and in the position you need him to be in. Then, take the treat and hold it near your dog’s face.
- Keep your fingers closed and the treat secure enough so your dog can’t snatch it from you.
- Then, crouch down to your dog’s level and allow him to see and smell the treat. Hold it close to his face.
- Once your dog’s attention is focused solely on this treat, move it away from him. After that, use the command to roll over.
- As you say this command, take the treat up and around your dog’s head in a rotation motion.
- Your dog’s nose should be close enough to the snack. Therefore, encourage him to use his nose to follow the treat round.
- As your dog’s nose follows the treat, so too will his head and body as a natural response.
The idea here is to encourage the spoken command to roll over with the physical act of actually rolling over. Therefore, take it slow and say the command in a clear but friendly tone.
Step 5
Now that you’ve had a chance to put the rollover trick into action, you may initially find it doesn’t go to plan the first few times.
You have nothing to be concerned about, this is normal stage of “how to teach a dog how to roll over” process.
The rollover command is an entirely new process for most dogs and one that will often need the most training.
The easiest way to remedy a dog who struggles to roll over to command is to practice this trick regularly.
If you find your dog is taking longer to perform this command, try using treats to reward him. You should do it each time your pet makes a move in the right direction.
This practice is often enough to keep your dog motivated and encourage him to go the whole turn.
Continue to praise your dog and keep the session light-hearted. Dogs respond better overall when the commands are encouraging.
If you find both you and your dog are getting frustrated at the lack of progress made, stop for the day – and try again tomorrow.
Your dog will get there with time and dedication. Once he gets it right the first time, it’s then simply a matter of perfecting the move!
How to Teach a Dog How to Roll Over – Step 6
The final stage in teaching a dog to roll over is the process of perfecting the trick and the technique.
This phase is mostly about making the process a regular one and working towards getting your dog to roll over on command. Your pooch should preferably do it without the need for a treat each time.
Yet, it’s best practice to continue to offer praise each time your dog turns over. This way, your pooch will want to keep performing the trick for you and feel more inclined to do it if he knows it pleases you each time!
Work on perfecting their rollover command by reducing the time between treats.
Give your dog less and less of the actual treats each time.
Consider replacing your dog’s popular snack with a less appealing one.
The idea here is to get your dog out of the habit of expecting a tasty food treat each time he performs the command.
In time, your dog will be able to roll over without expecting anything but affection and praise in return.
To Summarise
I hope you will enjoy this detailed training guide on how to teach a dog how to roll over.
Once you’ve eliminated the treat part of the rollover command, you can look at mixing this trick up. For instance, you can practice it with your pooch in different locations. You can also introduce various distractions playing out around your pet.
Initially, this will be a little bit challenging for both you and your dog. Yet, on the positive side, it will keep the trick fresh and exciting for your dog while working on developing his attention span.
It will also focus your dog’s attention on you more – thus increasing the bond between you two.
From there, you can attempt the trick around other people. Or perhaps you can get to a stage whereby other people can try this with your dog.
Ultimately, by including the rollover command as a part of your dog’s regular and ongoing training routine, you’ll keep your pooch active and entertained.
Also, it is a lot of fun for those around you who are lucky enough to witness a dog rolling over on command!
If you are interested in teaching your pooch more tricks, read our detailed training articles: