To be happy and at their peak performance, all dogs need a specific number of hours of sleep daily. However, just like with humans, the exact amount of sleep they need to function correctly can vary greatly.
It depends on age, breed, lifestyle,
Why do dogs sleep so much?
Very much like humans, dogs need their quality beauty sleep too! By the same token, they have to get through each day in a good mood and with enough energy!
On average, dogs can sleep anywhere from 12 to up to 14 hours in just one day alone. Therefore it may seem that your four-legged friend is always sleeping.
However, whereas the average human will get around eight hours of shut-eye every day,
Therefore though we may think dogs spend most of the day asleep, our pets are merely conserving their energy for better things ahead!
How much sleep do dogs need: Dog sleeping patterns
Unlike us humans, who tend to sleep through the night in a block of typically eight hours, dogs aren’t so fortunate. Instead, they sleep in stages or bursts throughout the day.
Therefore a typical dog sleeping pattern can resemble anything from a five-minute-deep sleep to as much as a 16-minute deep sleep in one sitting, with around five to 15-minute intervals awake in between.
For this reason, dogs are referred to as flexible sleepers. One explanation for this sleeping habit is their inherent need to protect their pack leader and pack members from intruders. Thus they’re always on alert even while sleeping! Furthermore, dogs do not sleep as deeply as humans do.
So, when we see our dog companions sleeping for most of the day, this is not actually the case. They need to rest and nap more often throughout the day. This is
How much sleep do puppies need?

Puppies need a staggering amount of sleep time per day. That is to say, they require as much as 18 to even 20 hours in the crucial first few weeks of their lives. The reason is that they spend a lot of their energy on learning and exploring.
This amount of sleep will begin to cease as they reach the adolescent stage. Also, it’s not unusual for puppies to take a lot of naps at various intervals throughout the day in the same way as adult dogs do.
How much sleep do adult dogs need?
When it comes to adult dogs, the number of hours
The dog’s breed
Some breeds are known to be long sleepers! A dog’s breed can indeed determine the sleeping pattern. It’s said that larger breeds, such as St. Bernard’s and Newfoundland’s for example, love taking as many naps as possible during the day.
The size of the breed
In general, if you have a smaller dog, it will usually need less sleep than that the larger one.
Dog’s age
Puppies and older dogs will spend more hours daily sleeping. On the contrary, adolescents may get by on reduced hours, especially when they’re at their peak age.
Dog’s activity level
Undeniably, an active dog will doze, rest, and sleep longer than that a dog who rarely ventures outdoors for exercise. Those dogs that get the right level of physical activity and enough playtime will have a better and longer sleep. This is because their minds get stimulated and they get more tired by the bedtime.
Dog’s health
Certain health conditions can affect the amount of the dog’s sleep considerably. Namely, they include the ongoing medical conditions that increase tiredness, or the illnesses which make a good sleep harder.
Dog’s diet
The type of food that you feed your dog can also influence their energy levels and thus determine their sleeping habits. With the good quality diet which includes enough vitamins and nutrients, your dog is less likely to feel sluggish and experience a lack of energy throughout the day. Thus he won’t feel the need to have more than a standard number of naps each day.
Dog’s usual sleeping area
If your dog feels comfortable in his designated sleeping spot, this might increase the amount of time he will spend there. On the contrary, if he is not able to relax in his bed, he may not feel settled. Therefore he will be more inclined to doze less throughout the day, possibly increasing the sleeping hours at night.
How much sleep do old dogs need?

When it comes to old dogs, you may begin to see them revert to the puppy stage, especially what concerns sleeping habits. As your pet’s metabolism begins to slow down and the energy levels naturally drop, you may notice your senior dog sleeping more than usual.
It’s worth mentioning that sometimes when you may believe your dog is sleeping, he might actually just be quietly resting!
You’ll become accustomed to any change in sleeping habits of your dog and more than likely notice the increase of the sleeping pattern gradually over time.
Typically, sleeping time will slowly increase and won’t change dramatically. If your older dog seems happy, healthy, and content, then this is just another, senior stage of his canine life. Senior dogs are well entitled to sleep more, with possibly 18 to 20 hours per day in total.
How much do dachshunds sleep?
A typical healthy adult dachshund should ideally be sleeping around the standard average of 12 to 14 hours daily. As mentioned before, this figure is considered the average sleeping time that most dogs need in order to function well during the daytime.
Dachshunds are well known for being a lively and energetic breed! An average of 12 to 14 hours of sleep will allow them to retain their energy level throughout the day.
As mentioned previously, the exact amount of sleeping time for each dachshund may vary depending on other factors, such as lifestyle, health, age, and physical shape.
The best way to help your dachshund live longer?
Watch our video to find out!
Dog excessive sleeping and what to do about it
As mentioned earlier, older dogs and puppies can naturally sleep for more extended periods. However, any sudden changes in the amount your dog sleeps could be the first indication that something is not quite well with your pet.
So if you find that your pooch seems to be sleeping more than usual, you may want to consider visiting your local vet. Excessive sleeping is a term used by vets to refer to those dogs that start to show signs of any drastic changes in the sleeping pattern.
Generally, you will be able to sense what is totally out of character for your pet. The best advice, in this case, would be to get in touch with your vet and make an appointment for your pet’s full check as soon as possible.
Commonly, an unnatural excessive amount of sleeping can indicate potential health problems. If your dog’s sleeping pattern seems to be instinctively wrong, it may well be time to start investigating why.
Some potential health conditions can include:
- Narcolepsy (This is a disorder that affects a dog’s ability to stay awake for extended periods. It can also be an inherited condition that some dog breeds tend to encounter.)
- Diabetes
- Distemper
- Hypothyroidism
- Heartworm
- Kennel Cough
- Heart Disease
- Liver disease
- Leptospirosis (Though there are vaccinations commonly offered for this condition, some breeds tend to develop allergic reactions to the medicine)
- Depression. (Dogs, just like humans, can also suffer from depression. It can happen if a family member has passed away, for instance. Other factors contributing to dog depression can be the lifestyle and living arrangements that may be inadequate for your dog’s overall health and well-being.)
- Physical problems (Such as back pain and joint issues, for example)
Final thoughts on how much sleep dogs need
Ultimately, as a dog owner, you’ll quickly become accustomed to the sleeping patterns and habits of your pet. Thus, should this pattern begin to change, you’ll be able to spot it and take actions straight away.
In general, if your dog is happy, healthy, and shows no considerable deviations in the sleeping pattern, there is no reason to get worried. It’s perfectly natural for a dog to doze off at random times or simply rest their eyes when there’s nothing much going on during the day!
However, as long as you notice any considerable changes in your dog’s sleeping pattern, it pays to speak to a vet and check your pet’s overall health.
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