The English Cream Dachshund is one of the most elegant and demure dachshunds’ varieties. It has a stunning cream coat, sometimes with black overlay, called shading.
The English Cream Dachshund has one of the softest coats ever found in the Dachshund breed.
This article takes a closer look at this fascinating dachshund variety and considers its temperament; alongside highlighting ways you can tell your dog is a true English Cream dachshund.
It also emphasises the differences between several variations of the English Cream Dachshund, including Shaded Cream and Clear Cream; as well as explains what an American Cream Dachshund is.
What Is an English Cream Dachshund?
An English Cream Dachshund is quite a rare find. It is considered by many to be one of the most prized choices of all Dachshund varieties.
The focal point of these particular dogs is undoubtedly their coat. It comes in a few stunning shades of cream; from a very light, almost white cream to a rich golden cream. It might also show some shading; in this case, these dogs are called Shaded Creams.
The Chinchilla gene is responsible for the cream colour in English Cream Dachshunds. This colour is rather appealing and pleasing on the eye.
This luxurious creamy looking coat is perhaps one of the smoothest found in the dachshund family. Often likened to that of a bunny rabbit, the English Cream Dachshund coat is always soft to the touch.
Some people make the fundamental mistake of believing that these types of dachshunds are in fact, a different breed altogether. However, these beauties are clearly a part of a Dachshund breed.
Although the colour and the texture of their coat may make them seem unique and stand out from the rest of the dachshund world; they are still pretty much standard wiener dogs.
True English Cream doxie will be very dark in colour at birth. After some time, usually two to three months, the light colour will appear from the undercoat, gradually outstripping the initial dark tone.
English Creams or just Creams?
A true English Cream dachshund should have an imported British Cream in their ancestry.
After many of these dogs being bred worldwide, many generations of the Cream Dachshunds have no relationship in regards to England. For this reason, you may from time to time, hear them referred to as just Cream.
This is especially so in the United States where this Dachshund variety is very favourable. So far, true English Creams only exist in the miniature longhair variety in the United States, and they do have quite a few British dachshunds in their pedigree.
In the US, you will often see dachshund puppies on sale advertised as English Creams. However, unless it’s from a reputable breeder who can provide the relevant pedigree, you at risk of buying other Cream varieties.
For instance, you can encounter so-called American cream, – a very light red dachshund.

Though there isn’t any scientific research to prove it as such, the owners of the English Cream dachshund will openly admit that these dogs are known to be the most laid back among dachshunds. Apparently, this is a particular trait of the English Cream variety.
These little weiner dogs are known for their pleasant temperament. Those, who already own English Cream Dachshunds, will lay claim to their sweet and mild-mannered nature.
Though the dachshund, in general, has always had a good reputation in the way of its fantastic all-around temperament, they can at times offer a more stubborn streak.
It is primarily due to a sense of independence that filters throughout dachshund’s blood.
Nonetheless, the English Cream doxie rarely shows such tendencies and is perhaps one of the most loyal of four-legged companions. Their pleasant laid back personality makes English Creams stand out from the rest.
Also considered to be one of the calmest when it comes to the sausage dog world, English Creams will quickly settle down in the new environment.
These weiners are also known to be very trusting of people. They love trying to capture human’s attention as much as possible throughout the day!
Many choose the English Cream Dachshund as an excellent companion for other dogs in the home, predominately as the calmer pack leader.
They are also ideal for those homes with many family members and especially those with younger children, because of their overall placid nature.
If you want to read more about weiner dogs temperament, I wrote a separate article about dachshunds personality and temperament.
Shaded Cream Dachshund

Shaded Cream variety is the English Cream dachshund that shows some shading, – black hair at the tips of the ears and tail.
The shading aspect gives them a lot of variety in their appearance. The overlay consists of black hair, mixed with a primary blond colour.
In many adult Shaded Cream Dachshunds, the appearance of black hair is usually confined to those areas such as the tip of the tail and tips of the ears, giving them a more distinguished look.
People often confuse the Shaded Cream with the Sable pattern in dachshunds.
It looks similar but produced by different genes. Sable is a pattern that gives the black tips on the hairs all over the coat; on the other side, Shaded Cream usually only gives the black shading on the tip of the tail and the tip of the ears.
Over recent years, the Shaded Cream Dachshunds have increased in popularity, though still not quite to the extent of the English Cream without shading.
The pigment in the Shaded Cream type often gives them deeper eye colour, fantastic looking eyeliner, and other beautiful and neat pigmented features.
As pure English Creams, Shaded Cream Dachshunds can appear almost black at birth. This colouring extends to their nails and whiskers, which will usually also be dark.
This dark fur will then fade, and the cream colour will start to come through when the dachshund gets older. Some dachshunds may retain a little of this black colouring (English Shaded Creams), whereas some may not (English Creams).
Clear Cream Dachshund

The Clear Cream Dachshund has seen an increase in demand in recent years. It is most likely due to the people’s preference for a cream dachshund without the shading.
Clear Cream dachshunds are in fact pure English Creams.
However, the difference is that they are born very light in colour and became darker with age. On the contrary, typical English Creams are born darker and lighten as time goes by.
The Clear Cream Dachshunds are regularly referred to simply as Clear. They are genetically incapable of producing any black hair.
Though the demand has grown for this type of dachshund, it is by no means not an easy task to find a good representation of this Clear Cream Dachshund.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for breeders to remove the dark pigment and therefore challenging to find the pups who haven’t lost that pigment feature.
English Cream Dachshund vs American Cream Dachshund

The American Cream Dachshund displays a similar appearance to that of an authentic English Cream.
However, the American Cream is substantially different from the English Cream, with a similar appearance.
The light colour in American Creams is obtained by a different gene, resulting in a very light, Red Dilute coat.
American Cream Dachshunds are very light in colour when newborn. However, as they begin to mature, so too does their coat, gradually taking on a more reddish colour. Over time, this redness becomes quite prominent.
The key factor is that there is no red coloration in true English Cream Dachshunds. All, even very light dogs, that have a red undertone to their coat are in fact Reds, not Creams.

If the puppy’s coat have a red undertone, it is in fact a light red dachshund, which is sometimes called American Cream.
American Cream dachshunds also include Smooth haired (short haired) Creams.
In the American Cream Dachshund, there are three possible genetic factors responsible. These are the Recessive Red Gene, the Dominant Red Gene, and the Blue Dilution Gene.
These genes actively work to affect the dachshund’s base coat colours, namely reds, blacks, and chocolates. The genes affect the base coat, which becomes diluted over time to resemble the lighter cream colour.
How Can You Tell If Your Puppy is a True English Cream?
A true English Cream Dachshund will more than likely be the higher priced dachshund variety.
It is, however, worth remembering that the surge in cost for the English Cream dachshund is also related to a limited number of readily available breeders of such a specific dachshund variety.
The scarcity of the dogs with a reputable pedigree used for breeding is also a reason for the high price of English Cream dachshund puppies.
A vast number of professionals and others that are very familiar with the Dachshund breed will tell you that authentic English Creams just have that certain look about them.
Therefore, once you’ve seen enough of these fine specimens of English Creams, you’ll most likely be able to spot the dogs that are the real deal – and likewise, those that most certainly aren’t!
However, don’t worry if you don’t have that much experience with the English Creams. There are a few means to determine whether the puppy you’re looking at is an actual true English Cream dachshund.
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Ways to determine if your dachshund puppy is a true English Cream:
- All true English Cream dachshund will be only longhaired
- True English Cream dachshund will be a very light cream colour with the yellow undertone, compared by some as the colour of an eggshell
- The key to identifying the true English Creams is evidence that they will have a light coat which remains solid cream throughout their life and will not change over the years.
- True English cream puppies are born black and develop the cream colour over time. Regardless of the amount of shading remained, they are classified as English Creams. The exception are the Clear Creams that are born very light and become darker over time.
- The nose and nails of the English Cream Dachshund must be black; eyes must be dark brown.
- In the US, true English Creams will be only miniature dachshunds
- A true English Cream should have a reputable pedigree, – at least a few registered British Cream dachshunds in the ancestry.
- An English Cream Dachshund cannot and will not have any red undertone.
- If you are still not sure, DNA testing might be the most secure way to determine if the puppy is a true English Cream.
Ultimately, many breeders of the English Cream Dachshund will state that the coat of a puppy, regardless of its type, will not be fully developed until they are two years of age.
DNA Testing
So, if you have some doubts regarding the breeder (there are not many reputable English Cream dachshund breeders outside the UK) and want to make sure whether your dachshund is an English Cream; then you may want to opt for DNA testing.
The genetic testing is perhaps the most advantageous way to confirm that a dachshund puppy you have your eye on is a true English Cream Dachshund.
The home test kits are accurate, readily available and inexpensive. The tests are helpful not only for determining your dachshund’s Pedigree but also for identifying any genetic conditions that might affect your dog later in life.
The company Wisdom Panel provides one of the most accurate canine DNA tests. You can choose a test according to genetic information you want to know – either canine breed detection or expended disease detection.
Wisdom Panel Essential – Dog DNA Test for Ancestry, Traits, and Medical Complications. Tests for 350+ breeds, types, and varieties, 25+ genetic conditions, 35+ traits, and more.

Wisdom Panel Premium – Dog DNA Test for Comprehensive Health, Traits, and Ancestry. The most comprehensive dog DNA test available. Screens for 200+ genetic conditions, 350+ breeds, types, and varieties, 35+ traits, and more.

What is your query about?
Are English Cream dachshunds only long-haired?
Since the beginning of the breeding practice, the English Cream dachshund has always been a long-haired weiner variety. However, in recent years, the breeders have developed a smooth-haired English Cream doxie.
What gene is responsible for the English Cream dachshund coat colour?
Chinchilla gene is causing the cream colour in English Cream dachshunds.
What is the difference between English Cream and American Cream dachshund?
The true English Cream dachshund will have no red undertone; the Chinchilla gene causes the colour of the coat. On the other side, American Cream dachshund is a very light (diluted) red dachshund.
What is Shaded Cream dachshund?
The Shaded Cream dachshund is an English Cream dachshund that displays shading, – black hair mixed with the cream base colour.
Do English cream dachshunds shed?
Yes, English cream dachshunds shed like all dachshund breed varieties. However, the dachshund is considered a low-shedding breed in general.
How much do English Cream dachshund puppies cost?
The cost of the English Cream dachshund puppy from a reputable breeder will be anywhere from 2000 to 3000 £.
Are there any differences in the English Cream dachshunds compared to other minis in regards to IVDD? I have heard the the early breeding with Spaniels seems to reduce IVDD incident but I am looking for more substantial info if possible.
Hi Pam, I haven’t heard of any differences in regards to Creams. The statistics shows Miniature dachshunds have a bit lesser chance to develop IVDD, and wire-haired dachshunds do not develop IVDD as often (almost twice less often than other types)
I want to sell my dachshund dog complete vaccine and paper
American cream dachshunds differ in more than just coat pigmentation- there are prominent differences in the fur texture, bone structure, muscle tone, and personality. The reason why people see my English Cream and almost always say it “looks like a mini golden retriever” is due to the British ancestry. I also have an American miniature dachshund, and it looks like a different breed. Much smaller head, feet, tongue, ribcage; and it’s missing the classic tuft of chesthair seen on English Creams, to name a few things.
Thank you for your valuable feedback!
Lexi, Are you here in the states? Where did you find a breeder? Thanks!
At what age will they be at the maximum adult size?
Is my dog a clear cream dachshund?
At what age will they be at the maximum adult size?
Hi Ros, clear cream dachshund is a cream dachshund with no shading. Regarding dachshund sizes, please see the article about dachshund sizes and physical characteristics.
I was told I have an English Dachshund who as a breeder for 7 years in Taiwan and then neutered for his 8 th and sent to USA WITH BAD FRONT TEETH He has thick long extremely soft fur and loves every person he sees very gentle and appealing to 80% no front teeth now ! But he is color of Latte He is 15 lbs and two toned . What do I have ?
Hi Aleen, according the breed standards, English Cream Dachshunds are single-coloured, however they can can have some amount of shading, – overlay that consists of black hair mixed with the primary blonde colour. The coat is soft and can be the colour of Latte ( beige with warm undertones).
Where are reputable sellers and or adoption centers located in the USA? Thank you for any info you can provide!
Splendor farms in Bush LA. She’s reputable and breeds true creams and has been doing so for 35 years.
Where are reputable sellers located in the USA? Also, are there reputable adoption centers located in the USA and location of them please? Thank you for any info you can provide!
Hi for some of the most beautiful dachshunds I found a breeder from Virginia who invest a lot of time to produce all the knowledge to sale champion lines. Irresistible dachshunds is highly recommended.
Could a clear English cream dachshund be a good Stud match for a EE red short haired Dachshund – is there anything I need to be aware about with making this choice to breed?
Hi Debbie,
It is ok to do so; however, it is not ideal, according to the United Kingdom’s breeding standards. It is because historically, the UK created English Cream dachshunds to have shading on the ears and some parts of the coat. So, if we talk about proper “English Cream dachshund,” then it must have an adequate amount of shading.
Therefore, it is best to breed a shaded cream back to a black and cream or brindle and cream dachshund. It will result in good shading in English cream pedigree.
On the other side, many breeders do not follow this practice and breed dogs that have minimal shading.
Nowadays, it is desirable to have a clear cream dachshund, yet we have to remember that the original breed standard was with shading.
Can you recommend some reputable English cream breeders in the US?
Hi and thanks for your informative article. Could you tell me the difference (besides colour) between the traditional long haired dachshund which I believe has spaniel in the mix and the English Cream? They look different as in face shape and coat length. I heard that the English Creams have a retriever mix. Help, trying to decide!!!!
Hi Phyl! The English Cream dachshunds only come in the longhaired coat, which is a
bit softer to the touch because of so called Chinchilla gene. The
temperament of the English Cream is the same as with all longhaired
dachshunds,- they are the most calm and laid back of the three types,
cause the were bred with spaniels. The body structure, face shape and the
coat length is the same as with the usual longhaired type, depending on
the size you want (standard, miniature or toy)
If you have any further
questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
Wat is de prijs voor een puppy, en hoe weten we of we bij broodfokkers terecht komen als we naar puppies zoeken.
Hello, I am looking for a pure English Cream Dachshunds. Does anyone know any other reputable breeders in the UK apart from devondeluxe? Thank you.
Does anyone know where to buy a cream one in the UK? Thank you
Hi Yana, Try Devon Deluxe Dachshunds, they might have the puppies soon. You can also try to contact
My pup Oliver is short haired but colored like a yellow lab or polar bear. He has the dark brown eyes and black nose. Everyone asks what kind of dachshund he is. Any idea?
Hi Joseph, it is hard to say without the photo, but if it is a light solid colour (no pattern), then it is most likely the cream dachshund. If it is a cream colour then it is an English Cream Dachshund, but if it does have yellow/red hue to it, it is an American Cream (which is a very light red dachshund).