Have you ever noticed that dogs and their owners sometimes look similar?
When our canine friends look more like us, it is just so adorable! The internet is full of heart-melting things, and dogs with human faces are undoubtedly the sweetest.
In this article, we will talk about the top dog breeds with human faces. We will name the canines that lean towards having human faces and the possible reasons behind it.
Let’s dive in right in!
Dogs with human faces: Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu originated in China around the 17th century. These cute toy breed dogs were favored by the royalty of China so much that they could not be sold, given away or traded for years.
Given that kind of popularity and “secrecy,” it should come as no surprise that once they Hit US shores, this breed became popular among dog lovers.
Only royalty and nobility might have once been able to own Shih Tzu , yet now anyone can dedicate their life to one of these adorable dogs.
Due to their origin as royal favorites, it should come as no surprise that Shih Tzu’s have an immense personality. They are loyal, loving, and tend to be very outgoing.
With a character almost like a human, it should be no surprise that many members of this dog breed have human faces.
With prominent personalities and human faces, it’s no wonder Shih Tzus all over the internet are making us go Aww! One famous Shih Tzu (okay, he is a Shih-poo) on the internet is Yogi, isn’t he just adorable?

Photo: Chantal Desjardins, Source: thesun.co.uk
Dogs with human faces: Labradoodle
Labradoodles might be a designer dog breed, but they are fast becoming one of the favorites of dog lovers worldwide. The first Labradoodle made a splash on the scene in 1955.
It appeared by crossing a Toy poodle and a Labrador retriever. While these dogs are in big demand now, they were not popular when they first hit the fancy dog stage.
In fact, labrador retrievers are the most popular dog breed in many countries throughout the world. They are known as excellent hunting dogs and for their friendly personalities with fantastic work ethic. You see many Labradors as service dogs doing every task, from being seeing-eye dogs to helping those with autism.
Poodles are another super popular breed worldwide. Being the second smartest (with the border collie being first), goes a long way to explain why these dogs are so in demand.
The standard size Poodle was used as a gundog in hunting traditionally, which means these guys work well with humans and have high energy.
When you combine these two great breeds, you get the sweetest crossbreed possible, – The Labradoodle.
Whether it was the lovability of the breed as a whole, or how many have human-like faces that made them famous, we won’t ever know.
However, it is a fantastic thing that they did become popular because now we get to enjoy their happy human faces all over the internet. It leaves us to enjoy adorable faces like this Birthday Labradoodle:

Another fantastic dog breed with a human face is the Goldendoodle. It should come as no surprise that we again see the Poodle pop up; they seem to be the true humans of the dog world. With that said, there is something special and often perky about a Goldendoodle hamming it up like a person for the camera.
Along with Poodles, the Goldendoodle was created with the Golden Retriever. Some would argue that the Golden Retriever could be America’s mascot. These beautiful, friendly, and smart dogs have appeared in family movies and TV shows for years.
Goldens are known for their outgoing, friendly personalities and the fact that they are fantastic dogs for children.
The Golden retriever started in Scotland in the 19th century. They were created because, at the time, waterfowl hunting was one of the most popular sports among the upper-class. However, they did not have the retrieving dogs that were up to scratch.
So, the Golden retriever was born, and now we have the GoldenDoodle. It is fascinating how, over the years, dogs and humans change. Perhaps that is why more and more dog breeds are trending towards having more human expressions.
I mean, look at the face of Charlie The GoldenDoodle, which one is the human here?

Source: @charlie.dood
Dogs with human faces: AussiePoo
The mixed poodle breeds are at it again with the AussiePoo, a mixture of the Australian Shepherd and Poodle. Arguably it is the eyes that can make a dog appear to have a human face, and poodles tend to have those eyes. Maybe it is the intelligence?
The Australian Shepherd is not a dog that is short on brains either. While the name might suggest this medium dog breed comes from Australia, people actually cultivated them on 19th-century ranches in the US.
They are versatile and highly trainable but started (and remain) stock dogs. They are perfect for herding cattle, sheep, and just about any stock animal on a farm.
With their high energy and high intelligence, you need to make sure these dogs get a lot of exercises. Part of a good activity regime includes learning tricks.
Australian Shepherd’s and AussiePoo’s absolutely thrive when they are learning something new, so let the sky be your limit when training.
It could be all the brains packed into these little dogs is why they tend to have such big expressions.
Take a look at the handsome Mr. Norichiban; he looks ready for a full day of school lessons. Not to mention the fact that the internet went absolutely mad for him and he has quite the following.

Source: @norichiban
Another fantastic breed cross with the Poodle the YorkiePoo throws its hat in the ring for the cutest dog breed with a human face. The Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkie is the smallest dog breed of the terrier group. However, you shouldn’t let their small size fool you; they have a big, bold personality.
Yorkshire terriers are full of energy, playful, and protective of their human. They can get separation anxiety, which passes on to YorkiePoos as well, so having two is something many people do. It is always essential to keep your dog’s needs in mind; no matter how human they look, they are still our animal friends.
Perhaps this trend towards separation anxiety and the need to be around humans is why so many have human expressions? Like us, they don’t enjoy being alone.

Source: @bubbatheyorkiepoo
Dogs with human faces: Poodle
Now we come to what one might call the Mother of most dogs with human faces, the Poodle. The Poodle breed is said to have originated in Germany as a prized duck hunting dog.
Today most of us think that the Poodle came from France because it has long been associated with the country. Louis XVI is well known to have enjoyed the breed and kept them at Versailles, and there is evidence that the famous Sun King Louis XIV enjoyed the breed for hunting as well.
Historically Poodles were not the dogs of the common man. They were instead dogs of the nobility and royalty. Perhaps because those coats are a lot to take care of?
Maybe it is the centuries that Poodles spent among the royal courts of Europe that gives them their very human-like expressions. It is all in the eyes of these regal dogs, and they can throw shade with the best human.
Look at this “Afro man” the standard Poodle! He looks like a grumpy old man who has some thoughts about the kids on his lawn.

Source: @reozil
Dogs with human faces: Pitbull
Despite all the negative press bully breeds have gotten, millions of people have opened their hearts and homes to these sassy dogs. Pitbull is a general term that has been applied to several breeds and their mixes.
These breeds include:
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- American Pitbull Terrier
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- American Bulldog
These dogs have big hearts and fantastic big smiles that often endear them to people. Anyone who watched the Little Rascals is likely to remember Petey (Pete The Pup). An American Staffordshire Terrier who got up to just as much trouble as the kids. You could sometimes see the mischief in his eyes and smile when he was about to head off with Alfalfa and the gang.
Another great famous example of a great Pitbull with a sometimes-human face is Daddy (RIP), Cesar Milan’s dog. You could see the compassion and patience in his expression while he worked with Cesar with other dogs who needed some manners.
Pitbull’s are so great at being dogs with human faces; it is impossible to escape the meme’s that show off their human expressions:

Petey, “Little Rasquals”
French Bulldog
These little balls of energy came about in the 1800s. The breeders created the French Bulldog by crossing toy-sized bulldogs that were imported to France from England, and local ratters in Paris.
Beyond that, the history of these great little dogs is a bit muddled. It is known that the export of toy-sized bulldogs left almost none in England at the time, but they were extremely popular in France. However, as the breed was developed in those early days, records were not well kept.
The lack of early recording hasn’t done a thing to stop the popularity of the French Bulldog, now commonly referred to as Frenchie’s, and they have become one of the most popular dog breeds in the US according to the AKC.
It is not hard to see why when you meet a Frenchie. They are gregarious dogs that require close human contact. They love nothing more than spending time with their human companion and can suffer separation anxiety if left alone for too long. Maybe it is all the time they spend with humans that helps them have human faces.

Dogs with human faces: German Shepherd
The German Shepard dog might not be the first dog breed you think of when you think of dogs with human faces. These famous dogs are more known as guard dogs, police dogs, and all-around hard-working members of the canine society.
According to the AKC, the German Shepherd is the second most popular dog breed in the United States.
German Shepard’s are fantastic family dogs and will happily protect their children if properly socialized and trained. Maybe it is this love of family and home that helps the German Shepherd have a human face all the time.
Whatever the reason is, there is no escaping the adorableness of a German Shepherd with human expression. Who wouldn’t want to take this adorable puppy with a human face home with them?

Source: @river_bluegsd
Dogs with human faces: Rescued
Last but not least, we must shout out to all the rescued dogs with human faces out there. Many people around the world will say that rescued dogs are their favorites.
Who can blame them? Rescued dogs tend always to be very grateful when they go to their forever home. Perhaps this is because they truly understand what it is like not to have a home.
Many of the rescued dogs with human faces will be at least partly one of the pure breeds listed here, but there is no way to tell what breed they are.
So why not celebrate their individuality? Like us, they can be quirky, sometimes clingy, and need extra support, but they are always going to be worth it in the end.
Every dog deserves love and a warm home to call their own. Many manage to get that, check out this loved rescue who has a very human face:

What can we learn from dogs with human faces? It would seem a big takeaway because everyone loves dogs that can express themselves more like us.
Perhaps it is because a face that is similar to ours helps us connect better. Or, maybe, it is simply the adorable and funny look these little guys have.
Either way, it is nice sometimes to take some time off to glance at those little guys with human faces. They will make you feel all the more uplifting!
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