Did you know that scientists now suggest that dogs have evolved to attract us with their incredibly cute appearance using their “puppy eyes”? Dogs with big eyes and infant-like expression provoke a care response from humans.
Research shows that the specific muscles around their eyes are responsible for the facial expressions we find appealing in our dogs. These muscles have developed in dogs seemingly to create the puppy-dog-eye looks we react to in such a positive way.

In this article, we will look at some breeds of dogs with big eyes that have that wow factor.
Let’s get started!
Small Dogs With Big Eyes
What makes a small dog even cuter? You guessed it – a small dog with big eyes! Here are our top three small dog breeds with the most prominent and most adorable puppy eyes.
Pug – Small dog with big eyes & big personality

Pugs are well known for having bold, prominent, and expressive eyes. Their wrinkled face maximizes the potential for expression, making pugs the perfect breed for dog memes with funny captions.
Pugs are so expressive that they are one of the most popular dog breeds on Instagram. People absolutely love following pug Instagram accounts, for the cute factor, the comedy, and the pawesome personality.
Needless to say that pugs make great pets too! They are one of the most entertaining dog breeds, and they don’t seem to mind all of the fuss they get. You can dress them up and take pictures all you want!
If you are the kind of person who is looking for a small dog with big eyes and a big personality to match, with the star potential, then the pug is for you.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – Dog with the biggest soppiest eyes

The cutest thing about the big wide-set eyes of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is how round and open they are.
These eyes are like two big shiny saucers! They were made to melt your heart, with long silky hair-like ears framing the face perfectly.
The breeders created Cavalier King Charles specifically to be comforters and companions to wealthy women. Their big soppy eyes, without a doubt, say “I love you” better than any diamond ring.
Would you love a dog with a bit of class, who will look not only adorable on your lap but also cute and elegant by your feet, looking up and stealing the hearts of passers-by? Then, the Cavalier King Charles is your number one choice!
Chihuahua – Tiny dog with big diva eyes

We couldn’t miss out on the smallest dog of them all – the Chihuahua, with its large demanding baby eyes. These eyes were seemingly made to remind us that we’ve forgotten to give them treats, dinner, love, attention, or whatever else it is that they want!
Chihuahuas are loyal companion dogs, and people love them for their small convenient size. With no doubt, Chihuahua is dinky enough to be carried around in a bag. Because they are so little in size, their eyes can seem even more prominent. They take up most of the face and often accentuated by a broad rounded forehead.
Chihuahuas do not only have big eyes, but they also have prominent voices. In case their eyes aren’t doing the job to tell you that they want something, their bark is sure to complete the task.
If you want a dog that you can spoil, that will stay looking and acting like a puppy for its whole life, with large cute cartoon eyes, then the Chihuahua ticks every box.
Medium Dog Breeds With Big Eyes
Not everyone finds tiny dogs appealing, although I can never imagine why not. Not everyone likes the idea of having a giant dog to share a bed with either! So let us take a look at some medium-sized dog breeds with big lovable eyes.
Beagle – Medium-sized dog with big eyes & big ears

The beagle is the perfect medium-sized dog that still has that cute factor due to its big loving eyes and those highly strokable large velvety ears.
Beagles have a proper “dog” look about them, but they don’t take up too much space in the room either. They have a perfectly shaped body, and their big eyes will make anyone fall in love immediately.

The breeders originally created beagles for tracking and hunting small animals. Hence, these dogs have plenty of energy and make great family pets.
Are you looking for a companion that looks like a dog and not a teddy bear, but still has some big-eyed charm? Then the beagle is for you! This dog will be sure to get you a date when you go for walkies in the park, if you are single of course!
Parson Russell Terrier – Dog with bright eyes & scruffy charm

The first thing you will notice about the Parson Russell Terrier when you meet him, aside from his rather charming scruff if he hasn’t been freshly stripped, is his bright, intelligent eyes.
It is a dog whose eyes are relatively large for its size, but they smile at you and twinkle with character and mischief. The Parson Russell Terrier is a feisty but playful dog with a lot of fun and love to give.
If you are looking for a gorgeous twinkly-eyed dog to keep you on your toes, then you should definitely consider the Parson Russell Terrier.
Bulldog – Tough-looking softy with big lovable eyes

The Bulldog is a great butch-looking dog for those who want to have a sturdy and robust companion by their side in the park; but also want a big old softy to chill out with at home, and give belly-rubs to.
Breeders initially created bulldog for driving cattle to the market and for competing in a bloody and savage sport called bullbaiting.
Who would have known that all this breed wants to be is a gentle companion to your kids? As well as that, Bulldogs love to spend most of his time napping on your sofa like an old man!
If you want a great dog that won’t need too much exercise, is big and beefy enough to look like a “man’s” dog or even a guard dog but has those big loving eyes that give his game away completely, then there is a bulldog out there just waiting to share your sofa with you and your family.
Large Dog Breeds With Big Eyes
You clearly want it all – a large show-stopping dog breed with big eyes to sweep you off your feet. Here are the biggest dogs we could find that have equally big and endearing eyes.
Great Dane – The largest dog we could think of with big old eyes

We had to start this section off with the biggest dog we could think of. While the eyes of the Great Dane may not be its most prominent feature, this dog is the size of a small horse.
Hence, you won’t find yourself squinting to look deep into his eyes, because he’ll be eye-level with you if you’re sitting down on a chair!
If you ever decide to invite one of these friendly beasts into your life make sure you also bring in an extra sofa especially for your dog. We need to warn you that there will be no sofa sharing with a dog of this size!
In fact, one look from his eyes across the room and you’ll know to get up off the sofa before you get flattened.
If you are looking for a giant dog with a giant heart, and giant eyes to match, then The Great Dane is a giant contender.
Scottish Deerhound – Giant sighthound with big wise eyes & scruffy eyebrows

If you are a lover of Greyhounds, Whippets, and Lurchers, then the Scottish Deerhound will also appeal to you.
It is the largest and scruffiest of sighthounds. Deerhound is a leggy breed of dog, – a red deer hunter, chasing down its prey. If you love speedy dogs and ever get to see a pack of these dogs running together, you will die happy.
What makes this dog’s eyes so appealing is the expression they give due to the big bushy eyebrows and facial scruff. There is something so knowing, so wise, so gentle, and so profound about the gaze of a Scottish Deerhound. Maybe the sheer size of the dog has something to do with its presence too.
If you are looking for a sizeable hairy dog with long legs and lots of character, then go for the Scottish Deerhound! Just make sure you have plenty of space in your home for this dog to spread out and laze in front of the fire.
Saint Bernard – Big friendly giant with big caring eyes

Last but definitely not least we have on the list is the Saint Bernard, the starring pooch of Peter Pan. The Saint Bernard is a dog with a reputation of being a “nanny dog,” keeping his big old eyes on the mischievous kids.
The monks of The Saint Bernard Hospice initially bred these dogs and trained them for rescue to find and save travellers.
These days the Saint Bernards are popular family pets. Children love them as they look like big teddy bears. People call them “gentle giants”, and these dogs are great not only with kids but also with kittens!
If you want a giant fluffy dog to keep you and your family warm at night, and a dog with big eyes to keep a lookout for what your kids are getting up to, then go for the star of the show – the Saint Bernard.
To Sum up
Dogs with big eyes are always going to steal our hearts, whether they are small, medium, or large dog breeds.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about our top dogs with big eyes! And what is your favourite big-eyed dog breed?
Please, share in the comments!
If you are, like us, fascinated about dogs with unusual eye features, feel free to read our article “Dogs with green eyes -Your complete guide”.