A remarkable and visually distinct pairing, the dachshund pug mix is one of the more recent designer dog breeds to enter the canine world.
A combination of the two of the nation’s most favoured dogs, the dachshund pug mix, has undoubtedly created a stir – with public opinion divided on such a combination.
This article considers the mix in more detail concerning factors such as physical appearance, temperament, and activity requirements. It also looks at the potential for health problems caused by combining these two small dogs.
Finally, the article concludes with a discussion as to whether the dachshund pug mix is the best choice of dog for you.
What Is a Dachshund Pug Mix?
A dachshund pug mix is a result of breeding a dachshund with a pug. The type of dachshund can vary from those longhaired to smooth-haired and wire-haired. However, the pug is usually that of the standard pug type.
Commonly referred to now as a Pugsund or Daug, the efforts of creating such a mix is said to be an attempt to combine these two cutest dogs!
In other words, owners of each dog type would like to combine the playfulness and sheer enthusiasm of both dachshunds and pugs in one dog. Therefore, they want to see them mixed to create the most fun-loving dog in the canine world!
But as this is a relatively new mix in the dog world, there is very little in the way of helpful guidance and information about what to expect from a dachshund pug mix. Therefore, pinpointing how well this mix will work is slightly tricky.
Furthermore, many veterinarians and dog professionals criticize that mix when it comes to the overall health of such a combination.
This criticism is for the reason that pugs are well known for their ongoing breathing problems and problematic flat face structure. Therefore, it remains a concern on how prominent this issue can be once mixed with a dachshund.
Dachshund Pug Mix Physical Appearance

It’s almost impossible to say for sure what a dachshund pug mix will look like. Nevertheless, as a general idea, we can take a lot from the parents of this combination for visual clues.
One thing that can be certain is that such a combination will indeed be the small dog. It is due to both dachshund and pugs being smaller in stature.
Height for this mixed breed tends to range from 8 to 13 inches. However, if the miniature pugs or miniature dachshunds are bred together, then this mix can be as small as 5 to 6 inches!
Weight for this mixed breed will range from around 14 to 32 pounds. However, once again, should the parents be miniature versions, then this will mean a subsequently lighter dog.
- The shorter, bent legs are more than possible in the mix.
- A more extended body type, as seen in the dachshund, tends to be also prevalent.
- Loose skin folds may also be noticeable.
- A flat face or strong muzzle is more than likely.
As for the coat of the dachshund pug mix, once again, the most reliable indicator is from the parents, but potentially this will include:
- A wiry coat, smooth coat or even a longhaired coat
- Coat colors of black, fawn, cream, red, chocolate, grey, and wild boar
- Patterning in some dogs including brindle, piebald or merle
- A possible black face mask – as commonly seen in the pug breed
Dachshund Pug Mix Personality and Temperament
A dachshund pug mix is perhaps one of the most loyal dogs and one that indeed thrives on human interaction. It’s, therefore, a great four-legged companion to have at your side.
However, as this mix combines two headstrong dogs, it’s recommended that potential owner considers the training required for this mix beforehand.
From the dachshund parent
When it comes to the dachshund parental breed, these are fearless dogs, who often forget their small size. Intelligent and energetic, they are also fun-loving and lively dogs.
But this high energy element can swiftly become problematic if the dachshund pug mix isn’t kept in line. It will also need a suitable home environment, preferably with the yard.
From the pug parent
As for the pug parental breed of this combination, these are the most charming of dog breeds! They thrive upon being close to the human owners.
Having a reputation of goofballs, these are undoubtedly loveable dogs who see themselves as a central figure of their human family.
However, this constant need to be at their owners’ side can often cause anxiety and separation problems. It is especially so when the pug is left alone, even for just short spurts of time.
Additionally, pugs are well known for their lapdog tendencies. Also, these dogs can show a great deal of aggression. Despite their reduced size, Pugsunds can be zealous if not correctly trained or socialised from an early age.
Overall, when combining these two dog types to create a dachshund pug mix, you’ll more than likely end up with a most devoted of companions. This dog will go out of his way to please you while showing a great zest for life.
Undoubtedly, the dachshund pug mix energy will need reigning in to ensure a well-behaved dog.
However, with the correct care, attention, and training, the Pugsund can become a perfect dog in terms of temperament and personality.
The lifespan of dachshund pug mix
When it comes to the potential life span of a Dachshund Pug Mix, no one will be able to give you a definitive answer.
It all depends on an individual dog’s health, as well as the amount of care that it receives from his owner.
In general, the life expectancy of a dachshund pug mix is 12 to 15 years.
The best way to help your dachshund live longer?
Watch our video to find out!
Health Issues of a Dachshund Pug Mix
It’s important to mention that potential owners will need to devote the right amount of time and money when it comes to the health care of this particular crossbreed.
Unfortunately, two serious health concerns result from this mix, and they both stem from the genetics of dachshunds and pugs, respectively.
Let’s discuss these issues further in detail.
Brachycephaly is a common condition in pugs and refers to their flat-face structure. In case this feature is inherited in the dachshund pug mix, it can determine many health issues in the future.
In turn, this reduced ability to breath leads to an intolerance of heat and exercise, and in some dogs, the condition can be dangerous.
Brachycephaly causes a severe issue called Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome. It results in the dog’s nasal cavity being compressed due to the flattening of the face. Thus, it leads to the dog struggling to breathe correctly.
If the Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome isn’t treated, there’s a possibility of the dog developing a disease called Laryngeal Collapse. It occurs when the dog’s breathing swiftly worsens and needs prompt veterinary treatment – if not, it could prove fatal.
With brachycephaly also comes spinal problems, irritable and infectious skin folds, and prominent bulging eyes.
Shortened Legs
Shortened legs is a common trait in dachshunds due to their reduced body structure. Short dumpy legs in a dog are not just impractical but can often lead to a condition known as Achondroplasia.
Achondroplasia leads to a few problems in the dog’s joints and back, also resulting in the risk of infection.
In addition to his, Intervertebral Disc Disease is also common among dachshunds and those dogs with elongated body types.
It’s important to remember that when you combine these two dog types, they are commonly associated with such problematic health issues. Therefore, there is the possibility of creating substantial health problems in the offspring.
For this reason, we highly recommend that you deal with the best breeder you can find and obtain as much health information from the birth parents beforehand. This way, you will ensure that any current problematic health conditions aren’t passed down to a puppy.
However, if your dachshund pug mix is from a shelter, you may not be able to access such information. So, you’ll need to be vigilant with your dog and keep an eye out for any potential signs of such problems.
Whether your dachshund pug mix is from a breeder or a shelter, make sure to register with a reputable veterinarian as soon as you welcome him into your home.
This way, you’ll ensure that it receives the best health care possible. Also it will let you to deal with your pet’s health issues promptly, should they arise.
Dachshund Pug Mix Exercise and Activity Requirements

Due to the problematic health issues that dachshund pug mix will likely face, it’s essential to moderate the exercise requirements of this breed.
One to two walks a day of the moderate length are ideal. This cross will also benefit from an access to a yard and plenty of toys to keep it occupied.
However, if the weather is particularly hot and your mix has those prominent flat facial features of a pug, you should keep him indoors.
It is because this dog is prone to overheating, finding it difficult to cool himself.
Proper training and early socialisation are crucial and should be started from the day you bring your Pugsund into your home and continue throughout your time together.
Is Dachshund Pug Mix a Right Dog for You?
As mentioned earlier in this article, the dachshund pug cross is a relatively new dog mix. Therefore, the result of pairing a dachshund and pug has not yet been explored to the fullest.
Thus when it comes to suggesting whether this is the best dog mix to a potential owner, it’s rather challenging to make accurate predictions.
However, we have data on the small number of Pugsunds that have been already settled.
Below are a few points to help you decide if dachshund pug mix is the best dog for your family.
Key points
✓Pugsunds will need a lot of care and attention when it comes to human interaction and when keeping a check on their overall health and well-being. Therefore, you shall expect to offer them a great deal of your time.
✓Dachshund pug mixes are prone to common health issues; therefore, they may prove to be costly when it comes to healthcare. It means you’ll need to register and stay in contact with a veterinarian as soon as you take on your pet.
✓Pugsunds are very new as a breed to understand any long-term implications of such a pairing. If this mix does interest you, try looking at rescuing those sheltered dogs if you can.
✓Pugsunds can make magnificent companions and are ideal for those looking for a constant sidekick. However, they are perhaps more suited to single people, couples, or those with older children in the home.
I have a 12 year old Daug and she’s the best dog I could ever hope for. The only medical issues we ever had was that she did get pyometria due to a false pregnancy, she was spayed after that, and she gets very scared when it thunders and I believe that was because we were in a tornado not long after I got her. She’s always been a sweet little energetic nut and is very smart. She has never had breathing issues, and only barks when there is an actual need… in fact she saved my life once as I was watching a movie really loud while someone was trying to break in my house, she heard them and began a deep growl and then barked which scared the wannabe robber away, it helps that she sounds like a rott when she barks. She’s about 11” tall and weighs 27 pounds. I got her from a couple who had a pug and a dachshund that happened to mate before they could get them fixed. She is loyal, loves to play and walk, as well as goes camping, hiking and kayaking with me. I think she’s one of the prettiest dogs I’ve ever seen, she is black with a tan mask on her face as well as a large tan heart on her chest and all 4 legs are tan, otherwise she is all black, oh and in the light her eyes glow green/blue.
I have a 12 year old that is amazing. I wished I could find another.
We have two, littermates. They have no pug facial features or breathing problems. They are now 14.5 years old and other than the male dog having some lipomas that don’t bother him, our vet says they are healthier than most dogs their age. They get walked daily and have a fenced in yard to play and go out into. They are barkers but very friendly, loyal and loving pets.. Stubborn and playful when they were younger. We have ramps so they can get on our couch and steps up to our bed. They’ve slept with us every night. They travel well and get on well with other dogs and cats. Shedding is moderate. The female is about 20# and the male is 25#. A little pudgy in their old age. The breeder is no longer around. They don’t exercise in hot weather unless we walk very early. Cold weather doesn’t bother them to go walking. We would recommend the breed as house pets.
We are looking for a Daug puppy. Where do you find breeders