The Doxiepoo is one of the most unpredictable combinations when it comes to crossbreeds. A Dachshund Poodle Mix, this is a fantastic looking dog with many commendable traits. This article considers the physical features of the Dachshund Poodle Mix, its temperament, health, lifespan, and lifestyle requirements. Therefore, you can decide if a Doxiepoo is a right breed for you.
What is a Dachshund Poodle Mix?
A Doxiepoo is simply a cross between a Dachshund and a Poodle. In rare cases, it might as well be an offspring of two Doxiepoo mixes. Otherwise referred to as a Dachshund Poodle mix, this is the perfect crossbreed for those looking to recreate the best traits of both Dachshunds and Poodles combined.
Designer dogs have become very popular in the past few years, Poodle hybrids being at the top of the list.You may also hear it being referred to by a couple of other names including the Doxiedoodle, the Dachshunddoodle or the Dachshundpoo. However, with most of these names being notably harder to pronounce, the most popular name for the Dachshund Poodle Mix is the Doxiepoo.

For over two decades, the two most popular of domestic dogs, that is the purebred Dachshund, and the purebred Poodle has been paired together. The result is a mix of two very different breeds, in both personalities and overall appearance!
The Dachshund Poodle mix combines two entirely different dog breeds which couldn’t be any more different to one another – both looks wise and personality wise.
Therefore, the result is understandably unpredictable as a first-generation pedigree mix. That is why many people will refer to them as masters of disguise. However, as the Doxipoo’s unusual and varied look has begun to catch the eye of the dog lovers, there’s no denying that this breed popularity is steadily increasing.
Doxiepoo Physical Appearance
The appearance of every dachshund poodle mix tends to vary greatly on just how much it has taken from each parent’s genes. Therefore, if they are more on the side of a Poodle, they’ll display the curly hypoallergenic coat. Yet, if it’s the Dachshund genes that are most active; they’ll then most likely have the shorter coat as well as the lower and longer frame.
There are indeed many variations of the Dachshund Poodle Mix. It is perhaps the designer dog which has the least consistency in appearance between each puppy within the litters.
In general, Doxipoos are small dogs with compact but sturdy body shape. Some Doxiepoo’s will display the Poodles dense, curly coat, while others will show a softer and smoother Dachshund type coat.
Most common colours seen in this breed are:
- Black
- Tan
- Brown
- White
- Cream
- Apricot
- Grey
Dachshund Poodle Mix Personality and Temperament

Though small in stature, the Doxiepoo is perhaps one of the most courageous dogs you’ll come across!
Known for being clever and enthusiastic, it is generally an energetic crossbreed. However, it is also the one that has the tendency to display huge mischievous streaks now and then – mirroring that of an excited child in some way.
When you take the individual traits of the Doxiepoo’s parents, you should ideally see the affectionate portrayal of the Poodle and the daring independence of the Dachshund.
It’s worth noting that with these attractive traits also comes a tendency to display defiance and stubbornness. However, if such features are spotted and rectified immediately, in particular at the puppy stage, they shouldn’t pose future problems.
Lastly, as with most small dog breeds, the Dachshund Poodle Mix is also known for an excessive barking.
The best way to help your dachshund live longer?
Watch our video to find out!
Health Issues and Lifespan of the Doxiepoo
As with a vast majority of cross breed dogs, there’s always a possibility of coming across some form of health issue, inherited from a parental breed.
As the Dachshund is known for its disproportional body shape and elongated spine, Chondrodystrophy is typical health condition in this breed. Similarly, genetically acquired is Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome.
Because of the elongated spinal cord, Dachshunds also tend to fall prey to Intervertebral Disc Disease; therefore, this condition is commonly seen in Dachshund Poodle mixes.
From the parental side of the Poodle, sometimes Von Willebrand’s Disease can be passed on to a Doxipoo. It is a clotting disorder which may develop after accidental cuts or extensive bruising.
Possible health problems affecting Doxiepoo’s:
- Von Willebrand’s Disease
- Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome
- Sebaceous Adenitis
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy
- Mitral Valve Disease
- Intervertebral Disc Disease
- Epilepsy
- Entropion
- Chronic Active Hepatitis
- Chondrodystrophy
As for their lifespan, these beautiful crossbreed dogs can on average live up to 12 to 15 years, if they remain in good health.
It is essential that you choose an established breeder when getting a Doxipoo puppy. The more reputable your breeder is, the more the likelihood of your dog being generally in good health. It is not an easy task as there are not many breeders that want their pure breed dogs to be used for producing the crossbreeds. Nevertheless, you might find a few rare enthusiasts who are genuinely dedicated to produce healthy Doxipoo puppies.
If you want to learn more about the Doxipoo’s health conditions, that can be inherited from the Dachshund side, read our article on Dachshund General Health.

Dachshund Poodle Mix Exercise and Activity Requirements
Because of the Doxipoo’s small build, the activity level should not be as extensive as with bigger breeds.
The exercise should vary based on the individual size and body structure of the Dachshund Poodle mix.
As a general guide, those displaying the smaller Dachshund-like body type will be satisfied with two15-minute walks at a day.
As well as short walks, the smaller dogs would benefit from fetch games, which you can play with them both indoors and outdoors.
The dachshund poodle mixes with bigger built require up to an hour of walking on the lead and a little bit of daily jogging.
The best advice is to adjust to your Doxipoo’s activity comfort levels. One thing to remember – regular daily exercise is essential, as the Dachshund Poodle mix is an energetic breed and has a lot of energy to burn off!
Alongside exercising, it’s a good idea to think of other ways that you can keep your Doxiepoo entertained.
Below are a few ideas of how you can entertain your Doxipoo:
- Consider giving your dog basic commands throughout the day such as: “fetch”, “sit”, “lie down”, “stay,” etc.
- Allocate him specific tasks to do such as bringing in the toys or finding previously hidden treats
- Don’t give treats for no apparent reason – make your Doxipoo work for it
- Invest in a good quality safe selection of toys for your dog’s appropriate age and size
- Incorporate both energy-releasing activities as well as more peaceful activities into your dog’s daily routine
- Try to stick to an established routine, so your dog knows what’s coming next – this way, they look forward to every part of it
- When you can, take your dog with you to explore new places and environments
Is a Doxiepoo the Right Dog for You?

Overall, the Doxiepoo can be an excellent addition to the family. Provided he is appropriately trained and socialised from an early age; this mild-mannered dog is one of the best choices for a family with kids.
Very affectionate, friendly, and playful breed, they are also ones of the most fun-loving animals to have in the home environment. Fast learners, they are doing best on reward-based training. So, if you have the patience to train them consistently, they’ll learn to be obedient and become the most loyal companions.
Best traits of a Dachshund Poodle Mix:
- Affectionate
- Loyal
- People-oriented
- Well mannered
- Good watchdog
- Friendly with other animals and children when socialized correctly
- Fun
- Playful
- Intelligent
- Does well when left alone in the home
- Responds very well to training
- Doesn’t require too much exercise
- Easy grooming routine: occasional brushing with trimming just several times a year
What to watch out for:
- Hyperactivity
- Can be easily distracted
- Occasionally mischievous
- Can be a little too independent at times
- Does shed more than the Dachshund
- Prone to inheriting any of their parents’ health issues
- Will require regular trimming if Poodles coat is inherited
Whether you have a family or live by yourself, if you have the time and dedication to commit to a dog, then the Doxiepoo will most certainly make an excellent companion.
We adopted a doxiepoo that looks nearly identical to the top picture (the scruffy brown/blonde dog) back in 2009 from animal control in Jacksonville, FL. We have no idea where she is from, if there might be a doxiepoo breeder in that area, etc. Does anyone know who the dog in the photo belongs to? I’ve searched for years to try to figure out where Pogo came from and why on earth she was ever surrendered to animal control!
Looking for another companion as I lost my Fluf about 6 years ago
I just lost my buddy (piper) that was a long haired chihuahua, I am adopting a doxiepoo that is about 4-5 years old. I am so excited to start a life with a dog again, I am trying to learn all I can about the breed before I pick him up. thanks
On Dec 5, 2014, we brought home the love of my life. This was my grandmas 94th birthday, and Smokey was a new activity to keep her mind going! We almost didn’t receive this bundle of joy; a nurse friend of mine had a litter with her mini poodle and her son’s dachshund. I’m allergic to dander, so we agreed to come to her home and see if he would bother me.. I’ll never forget that drive home! It was magical, and every single day with him as been ever since! He’s pitch black in color, wiry coat, but not coil curls like his mom. His coat is more wavy. He sleeps right up my backside every night… will not sleep anywhere else. His temperment is such like he’s an old soul. He’s roamed this earth before in spirit. When he goes out to potty, he chases the squirrels to the base of the trees.. boy, he looks up those trees and acts like he’s just as tall as they are when he gives those squirrels the once for! LOL! He is definitely his own little personality… and is treasured every single second. I often tear up in the thought of him crossing the bridge; just dreading that day when he leaves me…. My boy beloved Smokey!
Thank you so much for sharing your story!
I believe mine Chéri is a Doxiepoo. I found her on December 1st, 2019, scared and lost on my street in Sao Paulo, Brazil, full of fleas, shaved to the skin. She finally accepted me after two hours, and followed me home. She is a princess! She has cream long hair, similar to the one in theis article’s main picture. She certainly has Dachshund DNA and this article describes her personality entirely. I am currently living in Ontario and can say that her independence must not be overlooked. One day, we were at Toronto Island, she managed to escape the leash and jumped into the lake Ontario after the ducks. Well, she will be back, right? No way… she kept going, focused on her next probable meal. We had to swim to the middle of the lake to bring her back! This is Chéri, my mischievous, independent, adventurous, affectionate and adorable princess!
Dear Maria, thank you for sharing your story! I hope Cheri is doing well!
We had to have our beloved 15 year old, rescued Doxie poo Benji put to sleep …. both my husband and I continue to miss & mourn him. We adopted Benji when he was 9 years old. His lack of care during those first nine years was very evident from our vet’s point of view. With constant and loving care from us and our vet, Benji blossomed.
Benji was the most wonderful dog – loving, smart, kind, adventuresome with us, golden in colour who “tolerated” being groomed, tolerant and friendly with all other dogs and was an older dog example when we also adopted a year later, an approximately 4 year fragile and very abused Yorkie. Sweet Pea also is in mourning, missing his company and personality.
So now I search for an adult Doxie poo who can create his/her own place in our “not quite complete” family.
Thank you for giving me the space to tell you of one of the rescued animals that fill your heart, time and space with reciprocal love. As with our other deceased and deeply loved pets, Benji will always hold a special place in our memories.
I am sorry for your loss. I know how painful it is to lose a dog, a source of unconditional love and companionship..
Hi Deborah my name is Jackie and I am very sorry to hear about Benji. It is wonderful to hear that there are people out there that truly love and consider an animal to be apart of their family. I live in Las Vegas and I have 3 Doxi poo puppies. I have no idea where u live , if u have completed your family or maybe you would like to have a larger family.?! You never no until you ask and I am asking you and your husband if you would like to have one of my Doxi poo puppies. If you would please contact me and if not, well I had to ask. I hope that find or have found your new family member and I’m sure he or she will complete you and your husband, just like you and your husband will complete them.
We had to have our beloved 15 year old, rescued Doxie poo Benji put to sleep …. both my husband and I continue to miss & mourn him. We adopted Benji when he was 9 years old. His lack of care during those first nine years was very evident from our vet’s point of view. With constant and loving care from us and our vet, Benji blossomed.
Benji was the most wonderful dog – loving, smart, kind, adventuresome with us, golden in colour who “tolerated” being groomed, tolerant and friendly with all other dogs and was an older dog example when we also adopted a year later, an approximately 4 year fragile and very abused Yorkie. Sweet Pea also is in mourning, missing his company and personality.
So now I search for an adult Doxie poo who can create his/her own place in our “not quite complete” family.
Thank you for giving me the space to tell you of one of the rescued animals that fill your heart, time and space with reciprocal love. As with our other deceased and deeply loved pets, Benji will always have a special place in our memories.
I just lost my lifelong buddy, he was about 12yrs old, loved him like a son, I think might try to get another if I can get over my lose. Mine was blonde, beautiful. Would appreciate any information on this breed,thanks very much