A fantastic toy crossbreed, the dachshund chihuahua mix, or Chiweenie, is an excellent dog choice for many people. It is indeed a beautiful looking combination!
An unusual pairing, the dachshund chihuahua mix, combines two of the most fun-loving and pint-sized four-legged companions. Chiweenie is, by all means, a lap dog suitable for the demands of 21st-century living.
This article considers the overall appearance of this mix, along with its temperament and personality.
It also looks at what activity and exercise requirements the mix needs, as well as any possible health problems arising from such a mixing of these two feisty dog types.
Finally, the article concludes with a summary of whether the dachshund chihuahua mix could be one of the better choices of dogs for you and your current circumstances..
What is a Dachshund Chihuahua Mix?

A dachshund chihuahua mix is a result of breeding together a purebred dachshund with a purebred chihuahua. The result is what is referred to by many in the dog world as a Chiweenie.
The type of dachshunds used in the mix here can be varied. Still, it will range from the three main breeds of smooth coat, long-haired, and wired haired. On the other side, the chihuahua element usually involves one of the two recognizable types of the chihuahua.
As well as that, it can also include those from the several other types of chihuahuas that aren’t officially recognized by the Kennel Clubs.
The idea of combining these two strong personality types of dogs are said to please those dog lovers who love both breeds alike. Also, breeders are keen to see all the positive attributes of such a fantastic toy dog and visually striking crossbreed.
However, currently, this remains one mix which is not seen as purebred. Therefore, it is still not as commonly spotted, as opposed to those individual dachshund and Chihuahuas are.
Thus, not too much solid and reliable information remains about the Chiweenie mix. For this reason, potential owners have to rely on those who have the pleasure of already owning one of these dogs.
In addition to this, the lack of extensive information is the idea of combining two such strong-minded individual dog types.
As a result, this means an increased potential to cause both temperamental and indeed health risks that as yet, aren’t well known about by the professionals.
Also, there is not much helpful literature about this crossbreed. Under those circumstances, lot of information is not yet readily available for owners of the dachshund chihuahua mix.
Dachshund Chihuahua Mix Physical Appearance

It’s worth noting beforehand that because this is inevitably a hybrid mix, the possibilities of differences in appearance is vast!
Therefore, to determine the exact potential physical appearance of your dog, you will need to monitor both parents closely.
Cheweenie common appearance features
However, when it comes to their physical appearance of this mix, one thing’s for sure, Chiweenie puppies will most certainly take on the following features:
✔ Firstly, it will have a lower weight varying from as little as three to eleven pounds in total.
✔ The smaller stature of a dachshund chihuahua mix! It includes those short dumpy legs and the overall sausage like elongated body type.
✔ Also, the fur of Chiweenie can more than likely be short or medium in length and be ultra-silky.
✔ Finally, this crossbreed will usually have a height from the standard six inches to a maximum of around nine inches in total.
Cheweenie appearance variations
Still, there are significant differences in appearance that may occur in the following areas:
✔ Depending on the strength of the parenting genes, this mix can develop the more prominent features of a dachshund face or that of a chihuahua face.
Therefore, you may find that your dog has a slightly elongated facial structure commonly associated with the dachshund. Conversely, it may present more of a compact face, which is more commonly seen in the chihuahua.
✔ When it comes to colours and coat type of this mix, the variance is greater. You can also expect a combination that is either solid coloured or bi-colored in appearance.
In the first place, the solid colours of a Chiweenie can include anything from black, chocolate, fawn, cream, red, and even blue.
Furthermore, when it comes to a mixture of Chiweenie colours, you can assume anything! They vary from blue and cream, fawn and tan, and black and silver – with many more combinations possible.
✔ The ears will either be floppy or perky.
✔ The eye colour will vary from green to black or brown to blue
This guidance is, however generalized, and unfortunately, doesn’t work to narrow down the exact physical appearance of a Chiweenie.
In addition to the list above, you might need to look towards the parents. It is certainly a better indication of what your potential dachshund chihuahua mix may physically inherit.
The best way to help your dachshund live longer?
Watch our video to find out!
Dachshund Chihuahua Mix Personality and Temperament
To understand better the personality and temperament of a dachshund chihuahua mix, you will have to look further at both individual dogs in question first.
Dachshund personality traits
Therefore, when considering the dachshund, these are the most loyal of companions. They are indeed a joy to have around the home. Undoubtedly, doxies will work hard to please their owners.
Sausage dogs are a bundle of fun and can bring a lot of laughter to the house. Doxies are perfect in family situations whereby time is spent lavishing them.
However, they do have a mischievous streak in them and a tendency to cause a lot of havoc and disruption. The reason behind it is their genetic hunting dog makeup.
Still, with the correct time, training and indeed care, they can make one fantastic family pet.
If you want to find out more, feel free to read our article about Dachshund Temperament & Personality.
Chihuahua personality traits
When it comes to the chihuahua element of this mix, unfortunately, this dog breed has received the most attention over the years – and not all for the right reasons!
Seen as the ultimate fashion accessory and named a handbag dog, the miniature size of a chihuahua has given rise to many celebrities. Therefore, members of the public often treat this breed as an accessory.
However, their temper can be anything but handbag friendly! This, unfortunately, has resulted in a lot of badly behaved chihuahuas who have been allowed to do what they please.
These dogs consequently have become snappy and agitated as a result.
Those decent chihuahua owners know this breed as a loving lap dog breed indeed. Just like a dachshund, it will go to extraordinary lengths to please their masters.
However, these ideal traits can only be achieved with immediate training! That will ensure chihuahuas don’t develop a problematic issue with strangers and do not bark at anything and everything to assert their dominance.
More so, there may be a possibility that the dachshund chihuahua mix suffers from what is commonly known in the canine world as Small Dog Syndrome.
Still, it only develops when dog training is inconsistent or even non-existent from the initial puppy stages to those adult dogs.
When combing the two breeds, people want the very best elements of such a mixture, that is the constant devotion, lapdog tendencies, and general happy personality. With this in mind, the best training routines will ensure this is what you get with this duo.
Health Issues and Lifespan of a Dachshund Chihuahua Mix
When considering any potential health issues of the dachshund chihuahua mix, once again, it’s essential to look to both of these dogs individually.
As a guide, the breed experts claim that this crossbreed has a potential lifespan of 13 to 16 years. This is provided they remain in good health.
However, there are perhaissues existing between both dachshunds and chihuahuas that you may indeed want to learn more about beforehand.
For dachshunds, common health problems include various spinal and structural issues, such as intervertebral disk disease. It is due to their elongated body and also their short dumpiness in the leg area.
Therefore, you will need to be vigilant and prevent them from climbing too high or overexerting themselves to ensure they don’t exasperate such issues.
For chihuahuas, their decreased size can also present problems with injury through jumping or climbing where they shouldn’t. However, the more common one between these dogs relates to dental issues.
Known for overcrowding and persistent periodontal problems, this is the breed which is more likely to succumb to tooth decay and even tooth loss.
So, if your dachshund chihuahua mix has the facial features that resemble more of a chihuahua, you will need to keep an eye out for such dental issues.
Furthermore, you must register your mix with a local veterinarian as soon as you welcome the dog into your home. Therefore should any potential problems begin to show they will be able to spot them and tend to them immediately.
Dachshund Chihuahua Mix Exercise and Activity Requirements

A massive problem with this mix relates to the notion that the smaller the dog, the less adequate exercise and activity it needs.
Most likely, your dachshund chihuahua mix will not be able to manage long hourly hikes a couple of times per day. Yet, it still needs a few short walks. Also, it will require a lot of mental stimulation.
Unfortunately, the popular concept is that these tiny dogs don’t require much of yard time or any other outdoor activity.
Therefore, it results in them being kept indoors with little to do. Subsequently, it creates resentment, ultimately leading to colossal behaviour issues.
Chiweenie is the crossbreed that indeed demands a lot of owner attention. Therefore, you’ll need to be able to provide it with ongoing yard time, plentiful toys, and lots of mental stimulation.
Also, dachshund chihuahua mix doesn’t like being left on its own. It is a trait highly exaggerated by both the dachshund and loyal chihuahua temperament.
Thus, when you head out and leave your Chiweenie alone, you’ll need to hold its attention with something constructive, unless you want to return to chaos.
Is Dachshund Chihuahua Mix a Right Dog For You?

Undeniably, Chiweenie is one of the most interesting of mixes and thoroughly great little companions.
Overall, it suits everyone regardless of their household situation, including lager families, couples, and those living on their own.
On the other side, the dachshund chihuahua mix is a high energy dog, that can be naughty and stubborn at times.
But even so, many dog lovers find their fun-loving and wonderful mischievous character irresistible.
In sum, if you have the available time, love a challenge, and are willing to train your dog, then the dachshund chihuahua mix could be the one for you!
Any suggestions on where to find clothes for a MiniCheWeinnie?
3.5 yrs old
3.5 – 4 lbs
Thank you,
Ellen Bacot
I am looking for a long haired Dachshund/Chihuahua mix. Do you have any advice where to look? We rescued our last one in Kyle, TX, but now live in the Madison, WI area.