Many pet owners find themselves wondering – Can dogs drink tea?
Tea is indeed a popular drink that many of us enjoy every day, and many teas have potential health benefits for humans.
It is natural for us to have the desire to offer our pets some variety when it comes to their food and drink.
We perhaps feel that it must be very boring just to drink water every day. We wouldn’t want to be limited to just drinking water ourselves after all. But is it safe or healthy for dogs to drink tea?
Let’s face it; dogs will eat and drink pretty much anything they are allowed to have access to.
In other words, they do not necessarily display an instinct for what foods and drinks are right for them. It means that we, as responsible pet owners, must educate ourselves on what is safe for our pets to consume. Thus, we can keep them safe and healthy.
We shouldn’t just assume that something is safe for our pets to drink just because it is safe for humans. Certainly, nobody wants to be landed with a big vet bill.
In this article, we will approach the question – Can dogs drink tea? We will also explore the other drinks that are safe to offer our pets as a healthy alternative to water.
Can Dogs Drink Tea: Will my Dog be Ok if He has Drunk Tea?

If your dog had helped himself to your cup of tea when your back was turned, don’t freak out!
Generally speaking, drinking tea, when consumed every now and then, isn’t going to cause any long-term adverse health effects for your dog.
You should be aware that many teas do contain caffeine though, and therefore, it is not a good idea to let your dog drink tea on a regular or daily basis.
Ultimately, tea that contains caffeine can potentially become toxic to your dog, but only at certain high levels. In other words, if your dog has consumed a cup of tea, there is no immediate threat to your dog’s health.
As a general guide, a rather small dog would have to drink at least 5 cups of tea that contain caffeine within a single day for there to be a concern of toxicity.
If your dog does have a reaction to drinking tea, for instance, he is sick or has loose stools; this will most probably be due to any milk in the tea.
In other words, some dogs can have an intolerance to dairy if they are not used to consuming it. If your dog has consumed tea that contains milk, you shouldn’t worry too much though.
Given that it was a small amount, it is unlikely to make your dog very ill. The worst that will happen is that you will have to clean up after them.
What Kinds Of Tea Can Dogs Drink?
You may want to offer your dog an alternative beverage to cold water either for the health benefits or as a warm treat in colder months.
Humans enjoy a nice warm cup of something in the winter, and so it is natural to assume that our pets may enjoy something warm too.
It is not necessary to offer your dog a warm drink in the winter. In the event that your dog drinks liquids, it is usually for hydration, and not necessarily pleasure or warmth.
Indeed, there are much more effective ways to offer your pet comfort in colder weather. However, if you do want to offer your dog tea, there are some healthy options to consider.
Healthy tea options for your dog

In the first place, go for a pure tea that is free from caffeine for your dog, to be sure to avoid the adverse health effects, such as caffeine poisoning, high blood pressure, and hyperactivity.
You may also try offering your pup decaffeinated green or black tea without added milk or sugar. These are safe to drink and can help with several dog health ailments.
They can help to reduce inflammation of the liver and intestines. They have also been known to help dogs that suffer from hepatitis and enteritis.
Ensure that the tea is not too hot, as you don’t want to burn your dog’s mouth or highly sensitive tongue.
Remember that your dog naturally eats food that is only as high as the body temperature of a dead animal.
It would usually only consume water that is cold, or perhaps slightly warm if a water source has been warmed by the sun. So you should mimic these temperatures.
Moreover, opt for herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint tea. These are safe for dogs, and they are full of digestive aids. They can improve overall dog’s health and help to fight with Obesity.
You can also try Rooibos teas blends as they are caffeine-free. However, ensure that they don’t contain other ingredients that may be toxic to dogs, like chocolate.
Can Dogs Drink Tea: Alternative Safe Drinks For Dogs
If you would like to offer your dog something to drink other than water or tea, there are some alternatives to consider.
Pawsecco & Dog Wines or Beers
Sometimes dogs have special occasions too, – for instance doggies birthday parties and weddings. On this occasion, it can be fun to offer your pet something different to drink! Therefore, you can offer your dog some alternative drinks, so it can join in the celebration.
Commercial dog-safe drinks like Pawsecco or other “Pet Wines or Beers” are basically non-alcoholic and grape-free concoctions of non-toxic ingredients that many dogs will enjoy.
They often contain ingredients such as elderberry, nettle, and other herbs. They have been put together by veterinarians as well as by dog nutrition experts.
Never offer your dog alcohol, especially wines, as grapes in all forms are highly toxic for dogs.
Fruit-infused Water
In a word, dog-safe refreshing options include cucumber, blackberries, mint leaves, strawberry, and blueberries. However, never offer anything with grapes to your pet!
Frozen water

Frozen water is a great treat to keep your dog cool, hydrated, and entertained.
Try freezing your dog’s favourite treats or toys in water so that they have to lick the ice until it melts enough to get to what is frozen within.
What Drinks Are Dangerous For My Dog?
You should stay away from the following human drinks in order to avoid upset stomachs and more serious health effects that may lead to high vet bills:
- Tea with caffeine and coffee
- Alcohol – beer, wine, cider, etc.
- Juice that is high in sugar or artificial sweeteners and flavourings
- Fizzy drinks like lemonade, coke, soda
- Milk
Can Dogs Drink Tea: To Summarise
Ultimately, as loving and conscientious pet owners, we want to make sure that our dogs are happy and living their lives to the full.
Often this means we want to offer them more variety in their lives. One way to do this is to research safe and healthy food and drink alternatives. Additionally, this can be a fun way to learn about our dogs’ bodies and nutritional needs.
All in all, the best way to provide your dog with a variety in their lives is by ensuring that you are enriching their days with plenty of opportunities to get exercise and mental stimulation.
Working on developing the bond between you and your pet is much better for them than focussing on offering things like foods and drink that they don’t necessarily need, and which could end up causing more harm than good.
If you want to find out more about what drinks can dogs consume, read our detailed articles – “Can dogs drink coffee?”, “Can dogs drink juice?”.
Also, you will find the complete articles answering the questions “Can dogs drink gatorade?”, “Can dogs drink beer?” , “Can dogs drink Milk”, by clicking the link.
Very helpful! My dog loves getting the dregs of my coffee cup — no more now!
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