Did you ever notice your doggie staring at you with those big, compassionate eyes while sipping on some juice? Of course, saying no to your pooch at would be heartbreaking, and you’d be tempted to share some of that tasty juice with him. At this instant you might be asking yourself, – Can dogs drink juice?
However, a responsible dog owner should consider the implications of letting his pet have some juice. The main question is, – Is it detrimental to a dog’s well-being?
You should know that the best liquid you can let your dog have is water. You can give it to your pooch without worrying about side effects.
Still, how about juice? The truth is, for being healthy, your dog doesn’t necessarily need fruits.
Experts say that fruits don’t add much to a dog’s daily dietary needs. In the same way, fruit juices don’t contribute to a dog’s health.
Despite this fact, you might want to give it to your dog as a treat. In this case, if you must satisfy your dog’s longing, you should offer juice to your pet in minimal amounts and only on rare occasions.
Let us answer in more detail to a widespread question that dog owners ask – “Can dogs drink juice?”
Can Dogs Drink Juice?

Dogs can drink just about anything – milk, water, and even juice. The actual question is, – “Should my dog drink juice?”
According to experts, juice, especially whole juice, isn’t harmful to your dog, when given in a small quantity.
That means while you’re peeling oranges and trying to wring the pure juice out, letting your dog have a few sips is just appropriate.
However, when you are having juice bought from the grocery store, there is sure to have been some preservatives and added sugars that are harmful to your dog.
Sugars are especially dangerous for your pet’s health.
They are complicated to breakdown by the weak digestive system of a dog. Hence it goes right into the colon, causing several undesirable outcomes.
Your dog can get by without juice; however, if it is going to have any, it should be natural juice and in minimal quantity. Besides, you should give it only on rare occasions.
Juice bought from the store should be kept away from your dog if you care about his well-being.
Can Dogs Drink Apple Juice?
Apples on their own are safe and are perfect treats for your dog. However, apple juice might be another story altogether. Apple juice is notorious for causing bowel discomfort and watery stools in dogs.
The problem is the added sugar that your dog would have to digest. For this reason, apple juice is a big ‘NO NO’ for your dog.
Sometimes when a dog is suffering from bowel discomfort, owners tend to turn to apple juice to improve the condition (it’s a wonder where they got this idea).
The critical point is that apple juice cannot be an effective alternative to Pedialyte. However, if a dog is suffering mild constipation, only homemade apple juice is recommended ( if there are no other options available).
In this case, you can mix the homemade apple juice with some water and administer it to your dog. Steer clear of from-the-shelf apple juices because of the sugar additives and sweeteners that can be harmful to your dog.
Can Dogs Drink Orange Juice?

Orange juice on its own is rich in vitamin C. However, the fruit contains a dangerously high amount of citric acid and sugar.
While it is common knowledge that sugar is bad for dogs, you may not be aware that the acidity of orange juice has a negative impact on your pet’s sensitive stomach. As well as that, it can gradually destroy your dog’s tooth enamel.
However, if your dog has had a little orange juice without your notice, you shouldn’t worry much. If it lapped down your jar of orange juice, you have to watch out for bowel discomfort or bellyache for the next few hours.
In a few hours, the symptoms of stomach discomfort should pass. If the symptoms last longer than a couple of hours (say 3-4 hours), you should call your vet immediately.
What Juice is Safe for my Dog?

As they always say, “there is an exception to every case,” right? This case is no different.
While your dog cannot be allowed to consume drinks like citrus juice or grape juice, your little man can try carrot juice!
Besides giving your dog lots of water to drink, carrot juice is the next safest drink for your pet.
Carrots contain potassium, fiber, and other essential vitamins that are beneficial for your pooch. While your dog might be better off chewing the carrot directly, making juice out of it isn’t a bad idea either.
One more important fact to remember is that grapes are poisonous for your dog! Therefore, you should never give grape juice to your dog at any circumstances.
Can Dogs Drink Lemon Water?
No secret that lemon water has several advantages for humans. It is prominently an energy boost, and many folks begin their day with it.
But can our dogs drink it too? The answer is ‘YES, they can!’
Lemon water, if strategically administered to a puppy, can improve its overall health because of the immune system boosting properties of lemon.
However, just like other fruits, lemon water must be consumed in moderation.
Dogs don’t like the sour taste and smell of pure lemon juice, so it is best to add a few drops of it in their drinking water. Remember, moderation is the key! A few drops a day added in the water bowl will be beneficial for your little pooch!
Besides rejuvenating your dog’s immune system, regular intake of lemon water helps eradicate bad breath in dogs.
Dogs do not only benefit from drinking lemon water. Spraying the mixture of lemon and water on your dog’s fur helps keep fleas away!
It can also be used in cleaning your dog’s coat while disinfecting any small sores or scratches your dog must have sustained.
So, dogs can not only drink lemon water, but they can also refresh their coats with it!
Your pet has a sensitive stomach, and hence, you should be wary of whatever you let him drink. While juice with added sugars might not be a problem for us humans, it can cause severe discomfort for your dog.
Fresh, natural juice without any additives or sweeteners is suitable for your dog in moderation (although their dietary requirement doesn’t require it), while off-the-shelf juice is harmful to your pooch.
Also, stay away from orange or apple juice, except if they are homemade.
Finally, carrot juice, lime water, and water are some of the safest drinks you can offer to your four-legged friend.
If you want to find out more about what drinks can dogs consume, read our detailed articles – “Can dogs drink coffee?”, “Can dogs drink tea?”. Also, you will find the complete articles answering the questions “Can dogs drink gatorade?”, “Can dogs drink beer?” , “Can dogs drink Milk”, by clicking the link.