Welcome to the sausage dog world !
My name is Maria Vesna, and I am a proud dachshund owner for more than 20 years! I am absolutely in love with these extraordinary dogs; I have gained knowledge in understanding them, and I will gladly share it with you.
Together with the breed experts, we created the resource that will help you to discover various topics on every aspect of dachshund life!
Me and my team are dedicated to help you raise a healthy, happy and well-behaved dachshund!
On this website, you will find the information and advice on dachshunds for the breed lovers all around the world. The website is free to use, if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me on enquiries@sausagedogworld.com
The Sausage Dog World Editorial Team

Founder & Publishing Editor: Maria Vesna
Maria has two degrees in Economics and Gemmology, but her true passion has always been dogs. A lifetime animal lover, Maria has volunteered with pet activist organizations in Russia. She took part in a cat and dog program through sterilization and provision of shelter. Maria immigrated to the UK in 2015, where she lives with her 15-years old long-haired dachshund Gudzon.

Writer: Clair Chaytors
Clair is a Digital Content Writer and owner of dogs, birds, cats, rabbits, hamsters, and snakes. Clair has welcomed many pets into her life and now loves writing about them all. As well as pet articles, she has also written ebooks on dog grooming as well as her specialist subject dog behavior. After returning to university to retrain for a new career, she now writes full-time while lavishing attention on her Husky and Labrador-Cross regularly throughout her home working days!

Writer: Zara M.
Zara is passionate about writing, and about animals. She studied creative writing subjects at University, and she is the proud owner of a small mixed-breed dog called Juniper and a Cornish Rex cat called Fig. Zara was a volunteer, working alongside professional dog experts at puppy classes and a dog training school in London. She ran her own one-to-one puppy care service for 5 years, providing support with basic training. Zara is now a pet portrait artist and freelance writer specialising in the pet niche.

Writer: Charles Eboh
Charles Eboh is a freelance writer, delivering well-researched, educational content focused on pets. He has a Higher National Diploma in Home and Rural Economics with a keen interest in food & nutrition, as well as animal welfare. Charles is also an avid pet lover, putting his love for pets into writing.
Meet my gorgeous sausage dog, the long-haired dachshund Gudzon!
Website design by Spiel Creative