Most people consider milk to be something beneficial to both humans and animals. The content of milk makes it a good consumable for humans. Still, how about our four-legged friends, – can dogs drink milk?
Firstly, dogs love milk – just like cats do. Picture a cat happily taking up a bowl of milk. Although experts think that milk should be given to pets with caution, it doesn’t stop us from wanting to pour some for our dogs.
Curious dog owners often come up with a question, – Can dogs drink milk? We would like to clear the air and do justice to this interesting question. So, let’s discuss this further.
Can Dogs Drink Milk?

There isn’t a straightforward answer to that question. According to a veterinarian in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, Dr. Stephanie Liff, – “Drinking a goat’s or a cow’s milk might not sound scary. However, some dogs might be lactose intolerant or suffer allergies.”
Dr. Heather Brausa of New York City gave his answer to the question, – Can dogs drink milk? He affirmed that the consequences of such actions are what should raise some concerns to pet owners.
Milk is a controversial product for canines, even though most dogs wouldn’t slip at a chance to lap away on a bowl of milk.
What Happens When a Dog Drinks Milk?
A few things may happen. Your dog might suffer discomfort, diarrhoea, and flatulence if it consumes milk. But how does this happen?
First of all, milk contains some sugar (lactose). To be on the safe side, an adult dog needs to have the enzyme called lactase in abundance to digest milk. Lactase is responsible for breaking down the milk sugars and making it easily digestible.
When the sugar isn’t broken down properly due to insufficient lactase, then the following happens. The undigested sugar (lactose) finds its way past the dog’s gastrointestinal tract and straight into the colon where it wreaks havoc.
The flatulence and discomfort your dog experiences after consuming milk is due to the bacterial fermentation in its colon.
Other dairy consumables, including whole fat milk which contains high amounts of fat, can cause vomiting and diarrhoea to your dog (digestive tract upset).
Furthermore, dairy products that are particularly high in fats can cause a severe condition called pancreatitis in dogs.
It is therefore essential to let your dog have only dairy products that they are familiar with.
Can dogs drink milk? It is up to you to decide, but in any case you should give it in small quantities to be on the safe side.
Can Dogs Drink Milk? Are Some Dogs Lactose Intolerant?

Puppies that still suckle their moms produce abundant lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose). However, when they are weaned, the production of this enzyme is reduced. Henceforth, they become lactose intolerant.
Lactose intolerant dogs exhibit the same symptoms as humans when they suffer the same condition.
In dogs, lactose intolerance is of different degrees. While some dogs may only suffer mild to no gastrointestinal tract upset, some must pay a visit to a professional for checks.
According to Dr. Brausa, milk and other dairy products could be the culprits for food allergies in dogs.
When a dog suffers allergies, especially to dairy foods and milk, physical symptoms such as itching of the skin, irritation, redness, diarrhea, and vomiting can be observed.
Culprits of Lactose Intolerance in Dogs
Lactose intolerance in dogs hinders your beloved pet from enjoying the goodness of dairy products. Some of the causes include:
Food Intolerance
Milk is a product that takes the blame for most intestinal allergic reactions. It often brings about a change in the consistency and colour of your dog’s stool.
Gurgles and gas from the digestive tract are a result of food reaction. It is this food intolerance from milk that grows to become lactose intolerance leading to diarrhoea and severe vomiting in dogs.
Food Allergic Reaction
When your body wants to defend itself from any harm, its immune system causes an allergic reaction. Canines, just like humans, display this capability.
Food allergy doesn’t occur for no reason. There must have been a continuous exposure to a particular unwelcome food.
When dogs exhibit intolerance to milk proteins, continuous exposure to them is a factor responsible for food allergic reactions.
Can Dogs Drink Milk: Diary Products for Lactose Intolerant Dogs

Can dogs drink milk, if they are lactose deficient? Even if a dog is lactose intolerant, under controlled or exceptional circumstances, you can let your dog have some dairy products.
Cheese and yogurt are some excellent choices – better than milk itself that causes diarrhoea.
Even if you decide to boil milk, the lactose content doesn’t change and hence doesn’t affect the dog’s ability to tolerate it.
However, dairy products like pasteurised yogurt, cultured milk, etc. are excellent for lactase-deficient dogs as they can endure it.
That brings us to another question, – What are the foods or dairy products with as much lactose as a dog can endure?
It’s essential to realise – your dog doesn’t need dairy products. If you offer your dog regular treats, you can eliminate dairy from its diet schedule.
However, if you let your dog have any dairy, it must be perused carefully for other sweetening ingredients which can harm your pet.
Sweetening agents such as xylitol, raisins, and cocoa are all a huge NO-NO for your dog. For this reason, check the packet of any dairy product to see the ingredients and prevent these sweeteners in your dog’s diet by all means.
However, the lactose component in the below-listed foods is endurable for your dog.
Butter has very low lactose content of about 1% or less. A lactase-deficient dog can manage. However, the salt and fat contents in butter make it improper for regular consumption by dogs.
Lactose-free milk
Some dairy products and milk are developed for those lactose-intolerant folks and might suit well for your dog. Before giving it to your pet, check the packet to know if the product is lactose-free or not.
Almond Milk Products
Can dogs drink milk? Yes, if it is made of almonds! Almond milk contains no lactose. However, it must be consumed in small quantities by your dog. When consumed in large amounts, the fat content might build up and excite intestinal distress in your pet.
As milk is being processed into cheese, the lactose content becomes reduced. However, different types of cheese have different lactose contents. Limburger and Muenster contain 1% less lactose while American and Colby would have the same amount of lactose as the original milk.
Milk conversion into yogurt doesn’t affect the amount of lactose in the former. However, yogurt contains enzymes that assist the body in breaking down lactose much easily, making it an excellent treat for your dog.
Soy Milk

Can dogs drink milk, if it’s a soy milk? Absolutely! Soy milk is safe and healthy for any dog breed. However, it must be consumed moderately. High consumption of soy milk can cause a reduction in thyroid function and increase estrogen levels in the dog.
When Can Dogs Drink Milk?
Now that you’ve known that milk can be bad for your dog let’s talk about when it’s safe for your dog to drink milk.
You already know that milk generally contains lactose. Lactose is a milk-based sugar that needs to be broken down before digestion by an enzyme called lactase.
Puppies produce lactase in high amounts, and thus it’s easier for them to break down their mother’s milk for easy digestion. However, after they have been weaned, their only avenue of having milk is either the goat or cow’s milk in your refrigerator.
As puppies grow into weaned dogs, their lactase production reduces drastically, making it difficult to digest the high lactose contents of cow or goat’s milk.
In other words, the safest times a dog can drink milk is when it is still a suckling puppy. If you want your dog to have dairy, it must be in a small quantity for safety.
What should You Do if your Dog Drunk Milk?
Sometimes when you’re enjoying your ice-cream cone or having a glass of milk, your dog’s begging eyes might lure you into letting it have some. But is that what you should do?
Well, it depends on if your pet is allergic or not. A small lick from the ice-cream isn’t a terrible idea. However, once your dog accidentally helps itself to more milk or ice-cream than you bargained, you shouldn’t panic but be ready for the consequences that might follow.
Anytime within 12 hours of consuming milk or other lactose-containing foods, your dog should exhibit digestive tract upset. At this stage, monitor your pet closely as it might vomit.
Within the stipulated time (12 hours), its symptoms are supposed to subside. If not, contact a veterinarian immediately.
Can Dogs Drink Milk: Why do Dogs Love Milk?
When your dog walks in and sees you drinking milk, he is likely to want some. Just remember that it can be harmful to your pooch in large quantities, and your priority you is to keep your dog safe.
Don’t keep your milk open, as your dog might find it and help itself to drink it.
The love for milk is inherited by dogs. It is also a modern, inculcated habit. Dairy products are pleasant to taste, and dogs know it. Plus, at a tender age, dogs develop a love for milk by suckling the milk from their mother.
Can Dogs Drink Milk: Milk Benefits

Now that we’ve covered the most important part which is looking at how milk can affect dogs, we’d like to look at the benefits – if any – of feeding milk to dogs.
In the first place, we have to understand how controversial milk is. While some experts speak in its defense, others say it is the culprit for many diseases in dogs including cancer and ear infection.
However, when answering the question,- Can dogs drink milk?, – we should face one important fact.
The truth is that unprocessed raw milk directly from a goat or cow can potentially be beneficial for your dog. It’s a shame that it is almost impossible to find raw organic milk in American supermarkets.
On the other hand, there are various problems with the American milk industry these days.
Dairy farmers breed their cattle in unfavourable conditions –overcrowding, inappropriate feeds, injecting them with antibiotics and hormones, and all of these affect the cow’s milk production.
Even organic milk sold in health food stores and supermarkets has been homogenised and pasteurised. That way, there is no health benefits there to pets, dogs especially.
A point often overlooked is that the process involved in pasteurisation and homogenisation of raw milk kills every useful enzyme. It also destroys proteins, healthy bacteria, etc., leaving just lactose.
Consequently, unpasteurised milk is the best type of milk you can give your dog.
Here are a few advantages of feeding your dog raw unpasteurised milk:
Natural Gastrointestinal Support
Your dog might be having digestion problems or is a sensitive eater. With raw milk, every nature’s elements to aid digestion are intact. Raw milk helps to soothe your dog’s digestive organs and boost its immune system. It will also help your dog to process its meals better.
Better Hydration
Dogs generally love slurping milk, so it is good to add it to their dry foods or raw foods to improve their hydration.
Better Appetite
Sometimes dogs lose interest in their foods. Introducing raw cow or goat milk is an excellent way of bringing back their sweet tooth since they can’t resist the taste.
Control of Allergies
Organic raw milk, unlike pasteurised milk, doesn’t contain elements that can cause allergies in your dog. (such as hormones, antibiotics, etc.) If you are tired of the itching, redness, or flaky skin caused by your dog’s food allergies, raw milk might be beneficial in some cases.
Can Dogs Drink Milk: To Summarise
We know that you love your dog so much, and you may be cajoled into letting your pet have a taste of anything you’re eating– or drinking.
Milk isn’t awful for your dog, but there is an amount that becomes too much and becomes detrimental to your dog’s health.
When your dog mistakenly consumes milk in large amounts, you must pay close attention to know how it reacts. If it experiences discomfort, diarrhoea, or vomiting, then you shouldn’t let it have any high lactose treat anymore.
Instead of milk or ice-cream, you can treat your dog to dairy products that contain low lactose or are lactose-free.
However, raw organic milk is known to be harmless for dogs, and you can try it out. It has some advantages too.
We wish in America dogs and humans could have access to organic, unpasteurised milk easily. However, for some reason, there is limited access to raw milk.
In some states, sales of raw milk are prohibited. You can ask a few questions in your health food store to find out where you can get raw, organic, unpasteurised milk.
If you want to find out more about what drinks can dogs consume, read our detailed articles – “Can dogs drink coffee?”, “What juice is ok for your dog to drink?”, “Can dogs drink tea?”.
Also, you will find the complete articles answering the questions “Can dogs drink gatorade?”, “Can dogs drink beer?” , “Can dogs eat cucumbers”, by clicking the link.